So what do you think the others will look like?

by EGraves

21 years, 9 months ago

I must say, Ray's looking mighty nice. But he also seems to have gravitated back to his movie appearance. So what do you think the other Ghostbusters will look like in the comic?

Or, to get to the real question: what color is Egon's hair going to be? There's a big difference between black and blond.

Maybe they'll compromise and make it gray.

I sure hope they're nice to Janine…

With any luck, the designs for the others will come out quick and make this topic obsolete.

by Ludicris

21 years, 9 months ago

by the looks of the new version of ray, i have complete trust/faith in the new artist of the ghostbusters comics. I cant wait to see the characters in this style. Yes, it does seem to be going back to the movie style but they kept the reddish hair from rgb which isnt necessarily bad because a mix of both would be kind of cool and interesting.

by Greebo

21 years, 9 months ago

Whilst I loved RGB, I'm overjoyed to see them going back to the movie style. Gauntlets, pads, suits and all.
Whilst we havn't seen a full pic of a pack, looking at what we can see, you can bet your bottom dollar its going to closely resemble the first proton packs. And the traps? Well… the picture speaks for itself. Obviously they're oging to have to make concessions for the style in which the comics being drawn (which by proportions and first looks seem to be the animerica style which uses anime ideas with the more traditional american comic style)
As for the other characters….
Ok, heres my thoughts:
Egon: A careful cross between movie and RGB… ie Big hair, but its dark, and not totally OTT. Also in build he'll probably be skinner than the rest.
Peter: Hrm… Again I think a careful crossbreed. Mixing defining characteristics of both version. Medium built, not quite as chunky as Ray. As much as I'd love to see him have Murray-ish hair, i don't think it would work well within the style of the rest of the comic.
Winston: Bring us the ‘tache! Give Winston the ’tache! Closer cut haircut than the others, tache, quite muscular when compared to the others betraying his (apparent?) army background.
Onionhead/Slimer: Theres a debate elsewhere on this, but i think he should be one Giant roach for the ghostbusters. But a roach Egon uses for…. experiments. As to what he's called, i think ‘Ugly little spud’ works.
Janine: I'd personally like to see a return to the Janine of the first movie. I dunno why, but i just would. But any version would be good as long as its not the GB2 version (even at the time, that was dated)
Dana: If she's in it, as close to the movie as possible without likeness rights being an issue.
Louis: Ditto.
Walter Peck: Now heres a character I'd like to see in it, as a regular foil for the GB, always trying to close them down and fine them. Suit, annoying beard, sneer and the cold hard eyes of a man so anal he needs a flashlight to brush his teeth. If you see what i'm getting at.

Ok, they're just my ideas, they're probably all wrong. And to be honest, i could give a rats-nads if its completely different.
The 'Busters are back… and its about time!

by RunDMC

21 years, 9 months ago

I believe that they'll use the movie look for all characters. As great as RGB is, it's kind of considered as a sad old kids show - they'll want to keep away from that and go with the more familiar movie look.

by d_osborn

21 years, 9 months ago

i hope so DMC! i really doubt the rest of the characters will look exactly like RGB, it seems 88 mph is trying to distance the comic away from that. just as i predicted… muhhahahhahaa!

by Veedramon

21 years, 9 months ago

“Four guys in tan who kinda look like Murray, Aykroyd, Ramis, and Hudson”…

But at least, for the first time, I honestly think I can live with that!

Like E Graves, I'm still a little nervous about what Janine will look like…but I have hope!

by DocRyedale

21 years, 9 months ago

That looks way more like Clark Kent than Dan Aykroyd!

I'm glad to see equipment true to the movie. But they should make the A.L.I.C.E. Frames on the Proton Pack resemble the ones in the Original Movie (I know that they’re there, but they don’t look right.), and they should add the Circuit board pouch W/ the Leg Tube. I thought it was cool. It added to the Character. :s :d

by Sarasosara

21 years, 9 months ago

LOL…I thought that was Peter when I first saw it…I mean, look at that jawline and chin!

by DocRyedale

21 years, 9 months ago

Exactly my point, Sarasosara. I couldn't even tell that was Ray. It looks more like Peter than Ray.

We wouldn't have to worry about stuff like that, or get confused, if it was detailed and more mature animation for ages 16 and up.

by Vinz_Clortho

21 years, 9 months ago

"Four guys in tan who DO look EXACTLY like Murray, Aykroyd, Ramis, and Hudson"

As far as I remember, they CAN'T do that, due to the copyright issues, and the likenesses can't be used, or some other stuff like that. Personally, I don't see why ANY of us have the right to complain about the way they look, because to be honest, they look perfect. You CAN tell that that is, in fact, Ray, and not Pete. I'm incredibly excited to see what else Red & Co. have in store for us.