So what do you think the others will look like?

by DocRyedale

21 years, 9 months ago

Okay Vinz, I guess I forgot about the Ecto-Goggles and the Ghost Trap.

But if they waved enough money in the faces of Murray, Aykroyd, Ramis, Hudson, Potts, and Moranis, and they accepted, couldn't it be done then?

BTW, I'm sorry if you thought I was flaming. I didn't mean to make anyone mad.

by Vinz_Clortho

21 years, 9 months ago

“BTW, I'm sorry if you thought I was flaming. I didn't mean to make anyone mad.”

No worries, just kinda had to rant :d

by RogerJohnson

21 years, 9 months ago

I guess if you grew up with The Real Ghostbusters you would be biased to think thats Peter instead of Ray. I grew up with the movie, I watched it everyday straight for 2 or 3 years when I was a kid and the first thing that came to my mind when I saw the new artwork was that's probably as legally close as they can get to making him look like Dan Aykroyd in his late 20's without getting sued. And I sure hope that thought crosses my mind again whenever I see the other characters.

What I can't grasp is how so many people on here want the characters to look like the designs from the Real Ghostbusters, thats just mind boggling to me. RGB is a completely different monster from the movie, it had its time and it was good and all… but come on.

by get_her1

21 years, 9 months ago

what?! Venkman? that looks exactly like Ray :l( even if the ecto goggles didn't give it away, he has that sincere Ray look and the Dan hair.

by BeerStud62

21 years, 9 months ago

I could easily tell that was ray

by RunDMC

21 years, 9 months ago

They won't get sued for using likenesses. It can't really be done because you can't copyright your looks. Using people's likenesses without permission is done all the time (TV shows such as the Simpsons are the worst culprits - IE George Bush who hates the show).

With RGB, however, they made to look different due to a request by the actors. They simply didn't want to be remembered as cartoon characters and, rather than get into arguements and jeapodise any possible sequels with them, they changed their likeness. This is why Sega used the movie likenesses in the Megadrive game without getting sued - they can't.

by Greebo

21 years, 9 months ago

You can use someones likeness if it is a parody without much issue, unless you do something naughty, and you could get sued for slander. The ability to use the likenesses in the Sega Ghostbusters game would of come under the movies tie-in game licence (witness screencaps and liknesses used in the Ghostbusters 2 games). If the use is for a product that isn't a parody, then paying likeness rights and royalty fees would become an issue.
Also whether they could use likenesses of the boys would depend upon the terms written into the initial film contracts regarding merchandise…
I've been quizzing my Other half on this, she's a paralegal in a NYC law firm, and has had a few dealings in cases of likenesses….
I'd ask for me, but she wants to talk about wedding plans and such like…

by RogerJohnson

21 years, 9 months ago

Missing the point, I'm saying it looks like Ray. Even with out the goggles or the trap, it's Ray. It's Dan Aykroyd. It's a Ghostbuster, not a Real Ghostbuster.

by Ghostbuster_D

21 years, 9 months ago

um, roger, I think that their referring to the idea of using actor's likenesses, not your post about it looking like Dan (though I agree with you entirely )

by schwank168

21 years, 9 months ago

he looks like a superhero, hes too beefed up and wide shoulders and the whole enchilada. He looks like hes gonna punch through a ghosts head instead of busting it. Either way tho, as long as the story is good on the comic, that is what matters mostly.