so what happens if...?

by drugasbuster

23 years, 1 month ago

What happen if you are the only ghostbusters fan in a 50 000 milles area?????? HOW THE HELL DO YOU START A FRANCHISE??????, (or there is any franchise in Peru, I DONT THINK SO), ok guys, this is my final shot, i need help BADLY, im in internet 15 hours a day, BIG ghostbusters fan, paranormal experiments are my hobbie, and I think I could make a good add to any franchise, so im asking for help here….I would like very much to be part of a gb franchise….anyone?

mail me

by LouisTully

23 years, 1 month ago

GBI is not currently represented anywhere in South America. You should start an office there, you'd be a true pioneer in the ghostbusting profession.

When Jessie Desmond started her own franchise in Alaska, she became a ghostbusting pioneer. The first franchise to be owned and operated by a woman and the farthest north GB office.

If you opened an office in Peru, noth only would you be the FIRST in South America, but the farthest south as well!

by drugasbuster

23 years, 1 month ago

Ok, Ill do it, but how?, Im all alone in here, there is not too many people here that are GB fans…..damn!, when I showed my reconstructed proton pack toy to a friend he told me, “mmmmmm, nice, but what is it, some star wars stuff?”, thats is but the beegining…..any advice on starting a franchise here all alone would be good,

Thanks Louis…