Some Ghostbusters Cartoon Fan art up at deviantART

by devilmanozzy1

16 years, 9 months ago

Ok I have finally started doing something ghostbusters related. I have sketches that were edited in photoshop.

If you want to comment and don't want to use DeviantArt, please post comments to this thread. I'm thinking about doing more.

by missygirl8520001

16 years, 9 months ago

That looks great. Keep up the good work!

by Mjollnir

16 years, 9 months ago

Yea. That looks great dude. Keep it up.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 9 months ago

I'm not gonna blow smoke up your you know what. Certain ones look ok, but a lot of them look like a 10 year old tried to draw them in art class but got bored half way through.

by devilmanozzy1

16 years, 9 months ago

Doctor Venkman
I'm not gonna blow smoke up your you know what. Certain ones look ok, but a lot of them look like a 10 year old tried to draw them in art class but got bored half way through.

Never claimed they were super. However your feedback is more than welcomed.

Most sketches were around 5 minutes, infact I spent more time at photoshop than doing the sketches themselves. Oh yeah, no lighting or shadows were done in sketches either. Thats something that required more time, and to be honest, I am only testing myself out. A serious person would have to doturn arounds of each character and tons of concept drawings and then decide on a good concept and spend lots of time on it. Not going to happen with my classes at animation college. I'm learning how to Rig in 3d Max and in Myia right now, and how to improve doing motion graphics in Adobe Affer effects.

However Doctor Venkman, wheres your sketches? Show me how its done……! lol

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 9 months ago

However Doctor Venkman, wheres your sketches? Show me how its done……! lol

You posted your art and asked for feedback. In order to give feedback, one does not need to draw (or do what they are giving feedback on). I know I'm not a good artist, so I stay my ass out the pool…. or something like that.

by devilmanozzy1

16 years, 9 months ago

Doctor Venkman
However Doctor Venkman, wheres your sketches? Show me how its done……! lol

You posted your art and asked for feedback. In order to give feedback, one does not need to draw (or do what they are giving feedback on). I know I'm not a good artist, so I stay my ass out the pool…. or something like that.
True I did. I am also a bit on a mission to get other to make art too. However if art isn't your cup of tea, that cool. I noticed a few are into fan fiction writing, which is awesome, and I enjoy it. However I'd never dare try. lol.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 9 months ago

You should check out Ghostbusters: The Animated Series… that is my biggest contribution to date. Did some writing for that… unfortunately we have a lot of scripts that never got made that are just sitting right now, cuz I don't want to post them as fan fiction without knowing for certain we're never getting a new animator.

by devilmanozzy1

16 years, 9 months ago

Doctor Venkman
You should check out Ghostbusters: The Animated Series… that is my biggest contribution to date. Did some writing for that… unfortunately we have a lot of scripts that never got made that are just sitting right now, cuz I don't want to post them as fan fiction without knowing for certain we're never getting a new animator.

I didn't find any animation there, but a lot of stories which is cool. I'll be straight up honest with you…

2 ideas:
-Don't animate the stories at all, but storyboard them and make 20 minute animatics with voice acting. I can do a lot of that, and I'm starting to get good at drawing storyboards.

-Flash animate because its cheap and easy. However I hate about any Flash animation I've seen so far.

Anyways, I am half way thru college, and before that I strickly drew only monsters I made up. I can offer the following if you pick the first one being animatics:
-Do turn-arounds for all characters that could/would appear in the animatic. Rough sketch storyboards for you and use adobe programs to add color to storyboards and then animate them. However If I did that, I'd be looking for the following from other…….
Stories and ideas, feedback on all my aspects of project (but don't exspect the world of me) and I'm not voice acting everything. I can do one character, and some of the ghosts, however the biggest issue is I would have to have deadlines for all I'd deal with and for myself.

Theses my thoughts. I'm not perfect, I'm however trying :p