Alright everyone if you didnt know already I'm and avid reader of Fantasy and Sci-Fi so I figured Id share some of my favorites with you guys one of the best Sci-Fi book Ive read is Ender's Game and equally Ender's Shadow and its sequel Shadow of the Hegemon as for Fantasy I recently read the book Song in the Silence by Elizabeth Kerner and thats a really good one anyways so long hope you share some of your favorites too! ^^
by Egon13
23 years ago
Right now I'm reading 1984 by George Orwell, and it is really good.
by d_osborn
23 years ago
i really haven't read many sci-fi books. my all time fav is one i read back in junior high school. it's called “the giver”. i can't remember who the author is, but it ROCKS! basically, it's about this society with no feelings, everyone and everything is the same. it's pretty cool.
by Ectodude
23 years ago
i just got done reading “The Giver” at school. ok, im no book critic, but to me it sucked.
No, sucked isnt the word i was looking for. its… uh… runamuck. thats it. i just didnt like it.
heres a good book: 58 Minuets. good book. so good, i want to you read it yourself, because i might give something away.
by bigpapi428
23 years ago
i had to read the giver last year and it did suck ass!!! some really good books i've read is the xanth series by piers anthony it's really good for those who like magic,dragons,wizardsmnaked nymphs,trolls,monsters under the bed and talking trees. just thought if anyone else liked this kind of book to give it a try. ok bye
by JemBuster
23 years ago
Some VERY good books are tHe Haunted Ohio series. These are true ghost stories of Haunted places in Ohio. THey are awesome books, especially since I live in oHio
by d_osborn
23 years ago
i'm not saying the giver is the best book ever written. i just like the sociological perspective of it. it's been about 3 years since i've read it, though.
by Ectoman
23 years ago
I just finished “The Giver” about 10 hours ago.. IT SUCKS! If I wasn't being forced to read it, I would have stopped after the second page.
A very good book is “The Running Man”. Nothing like it's movie, which is also good. It's ending is all to familiar with Sept 11.
by vgirl
23 years ago
Piers Antony sucks man. I've ready many sci-fi books and my fav is the Trek series. And my chief area of course is more fantasy than sci-fi. Of course not all the books in the trek series are 44 caliber.
by bigpapi428
23 years ago
piers anthony doesn't suck, he is one of the better writers out there. i do not read star trek. although everyone is entitled to their opinions so to each their own.