Some (slightly inept) craftsmanship--Kenner-scale Ghost Trap

by cj1

16 years, 5 months ago

Yeesh! Now that's some modding right there!

by Bativac

16 years, 5 months ago

Cool trap! When I was a kid, we tied a string around a tiny blue Lego. This looks much better than the Lego did.

Didn't one of the figures come with a trap? Screamin' Hero Egon or something, it seems like… But I remember that it was way out of scale with the figures and their equipment.

by Nix

16 years, 5 months ago

Cool trap! When I was a kid, we tied a string around a tiny blue Lego. This looks much better than the Lego did.

Didn't one of the figures come with a trap? Screamin' Hero Egon or something, it seems like… But I remember that it was way out of scale with the figures and their equipment.

1: Oh, no, not you too! :-) When I was a kid, it was a Lego brick, an old shoelace, and liberal amounts of (what I think was) green florist's clay–God, that stuff had a million uses back in the day.

2: It was Peter Venkman who had the trap, and I don't really recall it being out of scale. Oddly enough, I had the chance to get one at a toy show, in the 25-cent rummage bin a few years ago, but I passed it up at the time. Ah, well, I can take comfort in the knowledge that mine is light-years better.

By the way, what's the name of that guy who made the traps for a 12" scale figure? I'd just like to give him a great big round of applause for giving me the idea to do this!

by Nix

16 years, 4 months ago

Just thought I'd provide a new update on the Ghostbusters Equipment mods.

I'm currently designing an “Action Trap” which features “open” doors. Wish me luck, because I don't know how well it's going to work.

I'm also in the middle of making “slime trails” for the Slime Blower guns that I currently use in the Christmas cards. The slime trails of Test 1 will be made of Model Magic that's been painted in glow-in-the-dark pink (the slime can be “positively charged” in this way); again, wish me luck, because I don't know how well it'll work. I have enough Model Magic for a number of tests, though, so don't worry.

by zack1

16 years, 4 months ago

Very cool Nix, reminds me of one of my old projects..I tried to revisit it but not really gave up, but just stopped working on it. It was literally a piece of junk, it was awesome in my young mind

by Yehome

16 years, 4 months ago

rofl, Winston looks like Obama! XD

by zack1

16 years, 4 months ago

Yeah it looked like some of the Winston figures saw some shit that started turning them white. Fright Features, Power Pack, Slimed.

by Nix

16 years, 4 months ago

rofl, Winston looks like Obama! XD

His chin isn't nearly long enough. His forehead isn't tall enough, either. (Though it MIGHT make for an interesting custom…)

By the way, Louis will have EARMUFFS this year–a piece of pipe cleaner that's been curled up, Princess Leia-style, and molded to his head.

I may have to repaint the guns too.

by Nix

16 years, 4 months ago

Okay, then, it's recipe time. “Let's frost it!”


1 can Model Magic/Model Magic Fusion
1 bottle glow-in-the-dark pink paint
Paintbrushes, palette, and water


First, you will need to take a small quantity of the Model Magic and mold it into a basic “sausage” shape, molding it in such a way as to look “slimy”. You will need to mold one end of it onto the Slime Blower gun so that it can “clip” onto the gun at a later time. Leave them out to dry for 1 day or more.

NOTE: The slime trails will start out looking slightly obscene, but don't worry about that too much right now–just keep the end goal in mind.

Second, when the initial work is complete, take more Model Magic and roll it into snakes, balls, eggs, etc. and stick these onto the basic “sausage shape”. It will start to look even MORE obscene than when you started! Leave these out to dry once more.

Third, when everything's dry, get your paintbrush and glow in the dark pink paint out, and paint away! You'll need to let each coat dry, and apply unevenly so that it can look even slimier!

When that's complete, you're done!


INGREDIENTS (these are my own ingredients, modify where necessary.)

2 Extreme Ghostbusters proton packs from EGON and ROLAND (the garbage can ones)
2 guns from a Mr. Freeze action figure (he had a backpack mounted getaway jet/disc launcher)
A length of “puffy” shoelace that looks like a hose (the aglets may prove to be useful!)
Bottle of Gesso (the paint bonds to it–it's expensive, but remember: GESSO IS YOUR FRIEND!!!!)
Blue and black pipe cleaners for the straps
Silver and black Sharpie markers
Clear duct tape (or clear surgical tape; this works marginally better)


First, you're going to have to sacrifice the bottom straps on the EGB garbage can packs. You'll be glad you did later on, trust me.
Second, get the Mr. Freeze guns (or whatever) and apply 1 coat of Gesso to them. It's okay if it's a little uneven; this will help the guns look like brushed metal.
Third, when the Gesso's dry, use the silver Sharpies to paint the guns, and the black one to paint the tip of the “nozzle”.
Fourth, when the ink's dry, get the tape and attach one end of the shoelace (it shouldn't have an aglet) onto the gun, wrapping the tape around once. Use the duct tape on the bottom of the pack.
Fifth, wrap the pipe cleaners around the guns, covering the tape, for the straps. You're done after this, so get yourself a Miller and relax.

by Nix

16 years, 4 months ago

I'm thinking about trying something new this year. First, I'm thinking about abandoning the “Power Pack Heroes” figures and going with the original Series 1 uniform design. I think I can safely do this because NOW Comics did so in their GBII adaptation, and also because I'm starting to dislike the Power Pack figures as they show the very real decline in quality of the Ghostbusters action figures (Egon's glasses don't get painted in; Winston gets a lighter paint job, to say nothing of the sloppier construction on all the figures). That and the figures I presently own are so badly disfigured and knackered (Leave 100 bonus points right there at the door, King) that I'm no longer keen on using them.

I will consider doing a repaint of Slimed Heroes Louis, though…