Some (slightly inept) craftsmanship--Kenner-scale Ghost Trap

by Nix

16 years, 4 months ago

I'm also thinking about writing a fanfic whose events lead up to what will be depicted on the Christmas Card, as this one could be the first to have a “plot”. Here's the “cast listing” so far:

THE GHOSTBUSTERS: Ray Stantz, Egon Spengler, Peter Venkman, Winston Zeddemore, Louis Tully
I.Q. (JAMES BOND, JR.): Janosz Poha
HOBBY LOBBY ANGEL: The Spirit of Christmas

Just in case anyone's worrying about my ideas conflicting with already-established canon, I thought I'd clarify that it's meant to be a little crazy, as I'm literally pulling toys out of a box and writing stories about them.

I *may* go into my Closet of Doom this weekend and pull out a few extra figures and ghosts.

by Nix

16 years, 4 months ago

I've just done a picture of the Slime Blowers in action!

Here again are Ray and Winston to provide the demonstration, joined this time by Power Rangers villain Ivan Ooze, the pink slime personified.

That's all I have for right now, but, like I said earlier, I might not be using the Power Pack figures like I normally do.

by Nix

16 years, 3 months ago

From the “Promote your GB Fanfics Here!”

I'm also confused why you include a script of characters for a fanfic, especially as they're characters from other fandoms.

And yeah, I still don't think much of Janosz being made a villain and wanting to destroy Christmas with a “ghost wizard” he read about.

1. “Characters from other fandoms” = “figures I already own who are playing parts in the story”–it's like the difference between actors and the characters they play. I know it'd make more sense if I were doing this as a photonovel–which is what I've been thinking of it as–but unfortunately I don't have the resources for that right now! (I will, however, post the cast photo tomorrow. I have the camera, but no batteries, so I can't upload.)

2. I'll defer to you on this count. Perhaps it's the “Big Bad” who wants revenge, and Janosz is merely being used/tempted once more?

And I was only posting the main storyline of it, without giving too much away. The idea is more for others to come in and put their own “spin” on the plot and premise. It's just a little bit of candyfloss for the holiday season, that's all–nothing serious, nothing political!

P.S. I'm currently taking a “Writing for Advertising” class, and we're always being told to *sell* what we're selling in the form of the ad pitch…I guess a little bit of that is shining through here.

by Nix

16 years, 3 months ago

Just to drive the point of the previous post further, here's a cast photo for the Christmas Card. I'm really just doing this to cut my teeth on photography, for when I start on doing stuff for eBay.

by Nix

16 years, 3 months ago


Turns out it'll be a photonovel after all!

Okay…things are going along swimmingly! I've obtained permission from the peerless ACTION FIGURE THEATRE to use their magnificent backgrounds. Here's their website:–and the sets they've designed are amazing!

We also have a dollhouse at home, and I'll use that to block some of the scenes.

Okay, here are the sets and locations I'm looking at so far:

Janosz's apartment
NY Public Library (AFT)
Sewers (AFT)
Ghostbusters HQ interior/exterior
Mean streets of New York (AFT)
Egon's lab (partial AFT)
Basement/Ecto-Containment Unit (partial AFT)
Ghost-infested households

EDIT: That reminds me–I also have the required “horde of small ghosts” at the ready, and I'm also looking at using the Highway Haunter and Wicked Wheelie vehicles to represent cars that have been possessed by the pink slime! (And I've found a better figure of Ray for that matter.)

by Nix

16 years, 2 months ago


And now for my next trick:

I shall attempt to craft a miniature pair of Ecto-Goggles for Ray.


1 miniature stereoscope from the family dollhouse (aka the Janosz's Apartment set)

1 length elastic cord–it has to be elastic in order to have some “give” and yet still retain its shape

1 plastic coffee stirrer–the kind that's like a small drinking straw

A small quantity of Model Magic

I'll post pics if/when I finish. This thing'll be REALLY tricky.

by Nix

16 years, 2 months ago

I have another custom prop in mind, come to think about it.



1 #15 bobbin (I think it's #15, it's the one that looks vaguely industrial)

1 yd or less yellow lanyard

1 black button (the same kind used as the Ghost Trap's foot-pedal; I also use these as plugs on “electrical wiring”)

Krazy Glue to hold it all together

NOTE: This recipe can also be modified to create extension cords–all you need to do is swap out the lanyard for something that looks electrical-cord-like)

by Nix

16 years, 2 months ago

Okay, this one's a custom figure, not a prop, so it deserves its own post.


This one's been floating around in my head for a long time. I won't be able to have him done in time for this years Christmas special, but maybe for next year…we'll see.


1 Ray Stantz action figure (obviously)

1 bottle red model paint

1 bottle white model paint

1 bottle black model paint (or Sharpies, this is mostly for detail)

Milliput/model magic (details/hat–I'm STILL trying to find an American equivalent of milliput)

Some kind of chenille decorative stuff–it's marketed as “Santa's Beard material”

PS: I'm still not sure about the effects of enamel model paint on the RGB action figures. Anyone want to give me some pointers?

by Dreamstalker

16 years, 2 months ago

Games Workshop sells “Greenstuff”, which is sculpting putty for customizing miniatures; it can be painted, carved, etc. Would that be what you're looking for? Any gaming store that sells miniatures and painting supplies should have it.

by Nix

16 years, 2 months ago

Games Workshop sells “Greenstuff”, which is sculpting putty for customizing miniatures; it can be painted, carved, etc. Would that be what you're looking for? Any gaming store that sells miniatures and painting supplies should have it.

GREENSTUFF, huh? Yeah…I think that could be it. I want to say that Milliput is some kind of long-setting epoxy putty that you can mold almost anything out of. The UK Doctor Who customizers swear by it.

Too bad my local Gamers' Paradise closed down, and the nearest GW I have is at Gurnee Mills, and I'm not going there for a while…

AH! Found out just now that Greenstuff IS INDEED the US equivalent of Milliput! Thank you very much. Now I just have to *find* the stuff.