Someone was writing a GB/MIB crossover.

by Ectodude

23 years ago

Who was it?

by Ectodude

23 years ago

come on, fess up! whos doing it?

by GabrielMartin

23 years ago

Is that necissarily a bad thing?

by GabrielMartin

23 years ago

Good LORD! I butchered that one! Sorry about the spelling.

by Mario

23 years ago

You seem to be angry Ectodude.

by SavannahGB

22 years, 12 months ago

Unless it was REALLY well done, i dont think a GB/MIB crossover would be very good idea. They do two incombatible things. Ghosts and Aliens. GBs cant trap an alien and MIBs cant shoot a ghost like they did Mikey in the beginning of MIB. It could be the MIBs are investigating the GBs or vice versa and there starts to be a kind of a feud between them but i dont see how they could team up and still make it work.

by Ectodude

22 years, 12 months ago

Ghost of an Alien? MiB have the knowladge, GBs have the technology? thats what i was thinking for a GB/MiB cross.

by SavannahGB

22 years, 12 months ago

Like i said before, unless your doing REALLY well, i dont think it would work.

by xel

22 years, 12 months ago

Ok im totally confused here…