Something I found interesting that Aykroyd said:

by Zech15

23 years, 2 months ago

'It doesn't look like it's going to happen for the same reason they aren't going to make Men In Black 2. The above the line cost is way too much for the studio to see it to be economically feasible. It's a shame too because everyone wants to do it. Even Bill Murray said he would work a few days on it. I did finish a script. Harold Ramis liked parts of it. Ivan Reitman liked parts of it too. There's definitely an interest from all of the original parties invovled to make it. But the studio just doesn't want to take the risk. My personal opinion is when you look at the success of the other two..well, there would be plenty of money to go around for everyone. So unfortunately, it looks like its just not going to happen based on the studio's feelings, not from anyone else.'


If you read in the first sentance that Columbia doesn't want to make a GB3, the same reason they don't want to make M.I.B. 2! Well, guess what? They have already made a M.I.B. 2 and it'll be out in theaters i think next year sometime. I saw a poster of it in a theater today. Makes you wonder…


by RobertKnippels

23 years, 2 months ago

Lets hope that the ghostbusters will strike again!

Regards Robert
( ghostbusters Holland )

by stembob27

23 years, 2 months ago

Well look at it this way: Great movies bring great titles. Because of the success of the first two, The simple title “ghostbusters” in the previews before a movie would be enough to drive alot of people to see it. Even if it was nothing more than the title and like “spring 2002”. So that is a plus for the studio's to go forward with it. The only problem they would have is, like you said, money. But with technology being what it is, it'll be alot simpler to do the movie now.
