Something i just saw, thought a mod should know if they dont check their email..

by SavannahGB

22 years ago

the new member “KilltheGhostFag” that really an acceptable board name? Only reason i took note was because i thought maybe it was someone coming from something like Endo-4 with that crap we had going over a year ago while GBN was still under construction. or something like that.

by Kingpin

22 years ago

I thought the same, maybe people should have to submit a screenname just for decency reasons.

by DocRyedale

22 years ago

Yeah! That's totally inapropriate (Something else that REALLY makes me mad, are these banned members that keep on coming back under new screen names. Why are some of them allowed to get away with that?)! Anyways, how can you kill a Ghost, if it's already dead?