Something i would like to say

by river_of_slime

21 years, 9 months ago

Just a little warning this might be a rant. Ok folks today i saw the Gb1 music video on VH1 Classic Rock channel well i had a flash back of the mid to late 80's. I know some of u remember that time i do, i can remember walking into a store and all u saw was GB's everywhere u had of course the toys but u had beyond that u had shirts, toothpaste, grooming kit, candy, and ect.. Gb's was really big. Make a long story short i have faith in this comic i really do but its not going to bring back Gb's in the public eye. For example when i went to see Ecto1a people got there picture taken with it but had to look at the sign to see where its from. Also i bet u when all the products come out theres going to be a kid walking up to it and say “What the heck is that?” So i suggest for everyone to tell people ur own age that u think dont have clue about Gb's. Well they do u just need to refreash there memory so print out a pic of one of the guys and show them it. Also we need to email Sony and tell them thank u for letting 88mph studios do this. Also i was thinking we possibly need to get Sony to re release the movies so people are age will remember the movies and people who were are age in 1984 now can take there kids to see the movie and share the same joys and thrils when they saw it. Wil my rant is over u can can share ur views now

by Glycerine

21 years, 9 months ago

I agree that a re-release in theatres might actually be a good idea. It would spark interest and then more people might want to get the GB comic. But I'll admit that Sony does deserve some thanks for giving out permission. I know there might be a few posts in this that comdemn thanking sony in any way, but I agree that there are people that might not know about it and something should be done to try and get people interested.

by river_of_slime

21 years, 9 months ago

Thank u Glycerine for those comments and people like i said im all for this comic but we should gives thanks to Sony for allowing 88mphstudios for doing this

by KWilliams

21 years, 9 months ago

Give thanks to Sony? Heck, I'm prepared to sacrifice a GOAT to them!

Just kidding, of course; I'd be more thankful to them if they would have green-lighted GB3!!


by river_of_slime

21 years, 9 months ago

Williams if we all say thanks to sony they see theres a real fan base for Gb's and u never know GB3 might be green lighted

by LordVego

21 years, 9 months ago

Charles, that is the smartest thing you have ever said. Keep 'em coming

by GeneralCMM73

21 years, 9 months ago

I think they should re-release it next year (20th). To start the hype, they should release a trailer secretly this November. No fanfare, just release the 20th anniversary trailer. Something like the Matrix Revolutions or Return of the King. A big movie with this stuck in the middle. You want to talk hype, that will do it.

I would make it a new trailer. Something that would make people go, “That looks familar” half way through it. Keep the first half ambious as to what movie it is. Then the second half of the trailer would let people know.

by river_of_slime

21 years, 9 months ago

Hey cool idea i was thinking maybe even better they can show the beginning of the trailer it can be like the orginal teaser where u dont know what ur seeing til the firehouse doors open to revil Ecto1

by AgentD

21 years, 9 months ago

Sigh…I don't know how many times I've said this. So I'll put it this way. Back in December of 2001, Peter Laird and Jim Lawson's new TMNT comic book was released. The series was a big hit in the comic industry and soon sparked renewed interest in the Turtles. Then a new toon premiered this past February, as you all know. Now the Turtles are almost everywhere again. They're only gonna get bigger again. What does this mean?

A GB comic is the best way to bring them back!

I can't make it anymore obvious. Within a year or so, I predict a GB toon will be on the air, we'll have toys, and a new generation will love the Boys in Grey. So quit talking about theatrical re-releases and just enjoy what we have now and think of what the comic will bring about.

And River, that's a rant.

by river_of_slime

21 years, 9 months ago

Good points Dan but dont u agree we should give thanks to Sony