Something i would like to say

by AgentD

21 years, 9 months ago

Oh, yeah, I forgot to comment on that. I guess we should. Maybe we should thank them for signing Sam Raimi to direct Spider-Man while we're at it.

by Johannes

21 years, 9 months ago

Yeah, I guess for once in my life I should thank Sony. They've actually done something positive for GB now.

And let me add that I hate to swallow my pride at this, because besides all the negative stuff they've done to GB until now, I'm also one of those Nintendo Gamecube-obsessed freaks (fanboys) .

by river_of_slime

21 years, 9 months ago

Come on folks lets thank Sony

by sg1star

21 years, 9 months ago

u cant thank sony yet, all they did was ok somethign cuz it amkes them money, they have not spent anything to amke a new comic the idea wasent even theres, they got a offer, they siad “ok this will make us money and ownt cost us a thing so y not we wont loose nothing”

by AgentD

21 years, 9 months ago

sg1star is right. Sony is greedy. If there wasn't a chance of them making money, they wouldn't have done it.

by motherpussbuket

21 years, 9 months ago

Agent D, I'm not so sure your comparision to the Turtles bares much weight. The Turtles had a good run into the mid 90's, but GB was done by 90 or 91. The Turtles are more recent, so that's why i think they have a cartoon and such a resurgance so quickly. I think GB has that potential, but it might take longer than the year you are predicting to get the ball rolling and get people interested again. Don't get me wrong, I am hoping for a full resurrection, I just don't want to get my hopes up as high as they will go yet.

by d_osborn

21 years, 9 months ago

motherpussbucket… *cough*TRANSFORMERS *cough*MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE*cough* just because the GB's were an 80's property doesn't mean that a new comic won't give it the proper boost it needs to get more products. the GB's are very much still in the public eye, i GUARANTEE more that transformers or MOTU.

also, sony is a business. they're supposed to make money, that's what businesses do. the best and only way we can thank them is to buy the new products.

i'm sure there will be little kids that have no idea what the GB's are. but again, look at the success of the new MOTU cartoon, comics, and figures. i'm sure more people recognize the GB property than MOTU.

by toygeek

21 years, 9 months ago

just because the GB's were an 80's property doesn't mean that a new comic won't give it the proper boost it needs to get more products. the GB's are very much still in the public eye, i GUARANTEE more that transformers or MOTU.

Well, you're almost completely correct. It's absolutely true that 80's properties have seen a resurgence in the past couple years. Transformers, MOTU, TMNT, Voltron, Thundercats, and more have all had revivals recently. For the girls, they just updated and re-released Strawberry Shortcake, and Care Bears, and I hear that My Little Pony is coming back too.

The trick is that all of us that were kids in the 80's are now adults with disposeable income, that were brought up by parents who bought us all that crap the first time around. (had a full set of He-Man, among others myself) So when we see it, we have fond memories of it when we were kids, and we buy it for our own kids…or ourselves in many cases (like mine).

Actually, I guess the only thing I can say you're wrong about is your “guaranteeing” that GB is “more in the public eye” than Transformers. Sorry, but that's the one that got the ball rolling on the 80's revival in the first place, and I've seen it's fanbase firsthand…we ghostheads wouldn't stand a chance. They've been holding multiple successful conventions every year for almost 10 years. That dates back to a time when there was NO product on the market, folks…yet they still get over 5000 a year to BotCon. Let's just say it's something we need to aim for.

by winston18

21 years, 9 months ago

Hey guys I just wanted to put my two cents in. You know I saw it commented that Sony was “greedy” because they only did this to make money. That's business they are in it to make profit would u think it greedy if your company or the company you worked for made money? sorry if I offended anyone

by d_osborn

21 years, 9 months ago

i agree winston18. like the underwear gnomes, they're supposed to make profit.

toygeek- when i meant the public eye, i didn't really mean hardcore fans. i'm sure transformers has the GB's beat out, lol! i meant the average general public. not only were the GB's action figures, lunch boxes, and cartoons, but two films grossing a large amount of money that the transformers or MOTU can't even comprehend. more people in the general public would recognize GB's much more than transformers or voltron, due to the fact that the major thing for the GB's were the films, and not a saturday morning cartoon or toys.