Something's missing Right Here... and I'll try to change that, so help me Gozer!

by DrSpectrum

21 years, 8 months ago

You have to admit, knowledge about the Ghostbusters RPG, aka GhostBusters International, is pretty limited among many people coming to this board. It's kind of disheartening to read someone listing the values for both his “Muscles” and his “Stamina”… Why not help ‘em all?
This very RPG board is offering “a complete roleplaying game, ready to use online”. Some people (Hura76) have asked about the full game to be checked out online as well. Why not post all the main details, Right Here On The Board? Straight from the book, at least as a master reference. I know I can do it.
Mr. GBVA: as both moderator and GhostMaster, I ask of your approval, nothing more… (but perhaps a little help at some point) I think I’ll be doing the right thing since the game is long out of print and some big resources are found on the Internet. Like your page, which I would list as a main reference.
Please answer, if you don't… I'm ready to do it anyways!

by DrSpectrum

21 years, 8 months ago

Don't try to stop me…