Sony has no idea obviously

by DocFritz

21 years, 4 months ago

there is a way to make the film. all Danny has to go to another movie company, like revoultion studios or watever. .

There's a problem with that theory: Sony owns Ghostbusters. Dan could not take the property to another studio without Sony's approval, and the chances of that are zero to none. They could just as easily make GB3 without Murray at Sony, but they don't want to do it without Murray, and Murray doesn't want to do it period.

by d_osborn

21 years, 4 months ago

Doc Fritz
there is a way to make the film. all Danny has to go to another movie company, like revoultion studios or watever. .

There's a problem with that theory: Sony owns Ghostbusters. Dan could not take the property to another studio without Sony's approval, and the chances of that are zero to none. They could just as easily make GB3 without Murray at Sony, but they don't want to do it without Murray, and Murray doesn't want to do it period.
actually, i've heard aykroyd tried to buy the rights to the third movie, and take it to another studio….

…and murray agreed to work on GB3. straight from aykroyd's mouth.

by texasgb1

21 years, 4 months ago

I never heard Aykroyd actually say he was going to attempt to purchase the rights but he did say “they have the rights and they are not willing to sell” when asked if a rival studio could do the film. You are right about Murray, he did agree at one time to work on GB3 for a few days. However at times when Aykroyd was trying to get the deal put together Murrray was very hurtful to the deal and did everything he could to block it. I guess he had second thoughts. In the end sony was willing to do it its just Murray ended up blocking the project.

by d_osborn

21 years, 4 months ago

you're preaching to the choir…. there's not much you can tell me that i don't know about the bts happenings.

from what i've heard, aykroyd DID talk to other studios about trying to acquire the rights to the third movie….

by river_of_slime

21 years, 4 months ago

Well i dont if this means anything but Universal Studios has the right to use the logos and the name but they cant use the characters name and btw it looks like USF did buy E1a

by gbusterchick68841

20 years, 2 months ago

Sony is making a HUGE mistake! The Ghostbusters movies were one of its biggest grossing movies! The franchise has to live on. (^_^)

by Zoolvenkman

19 years, 8 months ago

So…..who do WE have with the comedic talent in the 21st century to take over from the originals to portray the originals? (*peter)