Sorry / Extreme GB

by stembob27

23 years, 3 months ago

Sorry, bout my last post, it was in reply to the guy about the stickers at hot topic, about how there small. BUT, I would like to post about the guy asking about specks for building and Extreme ghostbuster pack. From a clasic stand point, I'm thinking about building a regular one. But from a technilogical stand point, I would love to see someone take a stab at building an Exreme GB pack. If your a girl and ya build a kyle one, it shouldn't be very hard. My guess, you could use a hot glue gun for the proton thrower. Soup it up a little though, put a cover over it, ya know, make it look real. A nap sack or something would go on the back of the belt for the neclear excelorator . And there you go. . The boys will be a little harder. Not sure about it though. I'm gunna think about it and post later on my ideas. But by all means, go for it dude, I will help as much as possible if ya want/need it. Feel free to e-mail me good luck.


by Ectodude

23 years, 3 months ago

im one of the guys whos doing R&D on an EGB pack. Im making the plans right now, but i stopped for the time being.

I dont have alot done, but its going as fast as it can go.