South Park and Ghost Hunters

by Dr.D

15 years, 4 months ago

Now usually I think South Park is hilarious, and their parodies are usually really funny. But I just don't understand this one. Sure I laughed, but Ghost Hunters isn't that big of a show. Most of the people I talked to didn't even get it. Sure we all know about the show, but its still not that popular. The Ghost Hunter guys don't seem like the typical Hollywood asses that South Park lampoons, it just seemed like a cheap shot. I just don't get why, of all the shows out there, they pick Ghost Hunters to make fun of. Sure, SP gets all its press for making fun of hollywood and celebs, but did these guys really deserve it? I know this probable sounds like the obsessive fan is sad that they made fun of Ghost Hunters, but in all honesty, I just think this one was just them reaching really far for a laugh.

by muthapussbucket1

15 years, 4 months ago

Matt and Trey are huge athiests, and they have a problem with the whole concept of Ghost Hunters. Just like they have a problem with the Catholic Church, scientology, Jon Edwards, and various other things.

by Kingpin

15 years, 4 months ago

They dislike the concept… that would be a fairer way to describe their approach.

by psyaudio

15 years, 4 months ago

Dr. D, you are right, it was a cheap shot. I am a huge fan of south park comedy but they just seem like they are desperate for new material now. Clearly they have never actually seen Ghost Hunters and that ignorant joke is all the proof you need. When I thought that episode couldn't possibly get any worse they go and rip off some family guy material. South park is stretching now.

by BigMac

15 years, 4 months ago

Oho oho oho… oho, What did they rip off from Family Guy?

I loved South Park but I stopped watching it after I saw Family Guy. Family Guy completely kicks ass and now I only enjoy watching Family Guy and American Dad for laughs. No other shows are funny to me now.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 4 months ago

Dr. D, you are right, it was a cheap shot. I am a huge fan of south park comedy but they just seem like they are desperate for new material now. Clearly they have never actually seen Ghost Hunters and that ignorant joke is all the proof you need. When I thought that episode couldn't possibly get any worse they go and rip off some family guy material. South park is stretching now.

And that right there is the problem with people who like insult humor: It's all funny, until they hit on a subject you hold close to you.

by heslimedme251

15 years, 4 months ago

Oho oho oho… oho, What did they rip off from Family Guy?

I loved South Park but I stopped watching it after I saw Family Guy. Family Guy completely kicks ass and now I only enjoy watching Family Guy and American Dad for laughs. No other shows are funny to me now.

I think most people think the airplane pilot speaking to the dead celebrities was a copy of quaqmire in family guy. But to be honest, that gags been around for years. Of course these shows are going to repeat themselves. It's no big deal. I thought it was very amusing, I'm a bit of a fan myself when it comes to these ghost hunting shows (Dead Famous was a favourite watch). But they do have a tendency to turn every little thing into something more…so South Park took it and overexagerrated the concept. It worked within the boundaries of the episode. It wasn't the best, and it did feel like they were stretching for a laugh, but they can't all be winners.


EDIT: And just to say, I'm a huge fan of both South Park and Family Guy.

by imported_E-DUBB

15 years, 4 months ago

i dont know about you guys but i LOVED that episode.

… i think it helps that South Park is my fav show on tv