
by lordvego1

21 years, 2 months ago

(*rant) (*rant) (*rant) (*rant)

It has come to my attention that “only the MODs are allowed to deal with our ‘spam’ issue.” Now, how does this work as a community if we only leave it to the authorities to do something. Here let's work with an analogy, shall we?

You witness a crime that is worth a good fine, community service or even arrestment. Do you:
  1. Leave it to the police to find out on their own
  2. Do something about it yourself
  3. Call the police
  4. Both b & c

I am sure many people would choose b, c, or d. You know why? This is a community; like many communities, you have to put your effort in to make it a good community.

Basically, my point is: don't leave it to the MODs to pick out spam. Notify the spammer, then notify a MOD. I know my actions were a little harsh, and spamming, as well. I was in hope that they would get deleted, but they weren't. In conclusion, I would like to thank (user will remain anonymous) for bringing the lack of community effort to my attention. I hope this has been informative to you all. Good day.

by silverexpress57

21 years, 2 months ago

I say leave it to the mods. That's why they have those jobs. Policing this board shouldn't be that hard. Their are plenty of mods and also, the board isn't the size of Manhattan. Who are we, as normal board goers, to say what spam is. If a ghosthead has a problem, they should do the civilized act and pm the poster and/or pm a mod and notify them of the potential spam post. I've seen ghostheads make replies to what they've thought was spam.. and quite frankly I thought what they've posted was simply rude. How are we to know if another ghosthead can't contribute something positive to the post(s) in question.

This all should be common sense.. and would make this post almost seem as if it is (*spam) it'self.

by DocRyedale

21 years, 2 months ago

by texasgb1

21 years, 2 months ago

That about does it doc :p

by toygeek1

21 years, 2 months ago

Dr. Riddle
And basically ANYTHING that mentions “Rabbi Meir Kahane” is SPAM!. (*spam)

Then by definition, doesn't that make YOUR post (and consequently this one) SPAM?

by cj1

21 years, 2 months ago

My head hurts. Is SPAM something that does not make sense or is it just some kind of fake meat?

by Chad

21 years, 2 months ago

Both A and C.

Leave it alone and call the mods.

by CaptainN

21 years, 2 months ago

Kinda makes you wonder why people spam. In the past it was for obvious reasons like rank. Every almost every schmuck on the entire west coast (of Russia) wanted to be a Senior Ghostbuster. The funny thing now is that since there is no rank (unless your a mod and that doesn't even count as rank) there really is no reason to spam. All I know for certain is if you spam anything an MB, e-mail, chatrooms, your neighbors house, etc. You are an idiot, a disgrace to society, and you should never be able to use a computer again and be forced to eat the fake meat for the rest of your life.


by EvilToaster

21 years, 2 months ago

It certainly is food for thought, no pun intended. :-) Sometimes people just don't get it, that it's pointless. But I think that the real explanation is that most don't realize that they are spamming. I guess it's just ignorance.

by lordvego1

21 years, 2 months ago

Both A and C.

Leave it alone and call the mods.

But the thing is, a lot of the MODs aren't exactly ALWAYS on top of things. I am sure, you have noticed, right, Chad? I find it sad that when trying to make this a community you leave out even the smallest part of letting the community help out with problems.