sparking interest

by ray

22 years, 3 months ago

Hey guys why don't we all get serious and grab some real attention. I'm talking to all the real GB fans. Everyone strap on your homemade packs and lets get a huge ghostbuster convention under way. If we get enough people to attend we'll attract major media attention. This will show the suits that there is still a large market out there for ghostbusters and there's still plenty of money to be made.The only problem know is where can we host this convention and how do we spread the news. Please guys, lets pull together and grab some attention. Lets do this!!!!!!!!!

by Ectoman

22 years, 3 months ago

Where do you live? Because I'm sure everyone would have to come there right? Also, can I borrow 5 bucks? Afterall conventions aren't cheap, so you must have money to burn.

by WayneW.

22 years, 3 months ago

It sounds great, I'm in. Oh a couple questions, where? when? how much? what's the name? are you rich? Who's catering? any major companies care? why did you post this? Don't you realize that it's virtually impossible to make a convention over one website? Think these all over then give me details on this !

by StayinPuft

22 years, 3 months ago

Well why don't we get someone in New York to goto stand outside the Today show with a sign that has a big ole GB logo on it…. sigh….

by ray

22 years, 3 months ago

first things first, we are not rich. Thats why we all need to pull together, and plan this out as a team. I live here in Miami, Fl and I'm sure we can find a place. Now if it were up to me the convention shouldn't cost a thing, but ppl want food and we need to rent out a place. All this costs money so i was hopin to put together a team over here in Miami to get all this to actually take place. So ALL THE GHOSTHEADS IN MIAMI HAVE TO E-MAIL ME!PLEASE! or call me at 1-305-480-8804
ask for Danny.

Email me at

thank you for your interest
Ray smile

by boogiman

22 years, 3 months ago

Finally someone has a brain. This convention thing should already exists.
Come on if they have star wars and star trek and who knows what else, then they have to have a GHOSTBUSTER convention. This man is stepping up to the masses saying that ghostbusters also has die hard fans. We as a community of fans must join together to make something happen.

This is Boogiman saying come on lets do this wink

by boogie138

22 years, 3 months ago

yeah but peoples need time to plan and set up and that takes months in the makinf, then you need to annouce in munths in adfavanced after its confermed and ready to go so people who live far, far away can make the trip and save money to go

the only person i can think of who could set up a thing like this would be chad. but he is busy and i doubt he'd be able to do it

by boogiman

22 years, 3 months ago

Guys, the franchise needs this to come back to life, so stop your bitchin and moanin and lets do this email me at CRAZYKEMIT86@AOL.COM so we can all plan this out. If you are all true ghostheads we should be able to get this done. We want to hold the convention in Florida so all the fans that u know who live in Florida tell them to Email me!!!!! Lets stop saying “wouldn't it be great if they had a GB convention” and instead say “We have to go to GB convention”

P.S. Email me if u live in Florida

by boogiman

22 years, 3 months ago


by slimslimer1

22 years, 3 months ago

No, we call ourselves logical.