Speaking in defence of my friends as well as myself

by brianreilly

21 years, 2 months ago

You call us the “GBHQ” and the “NS” crew, and do so in an extremely negative manner. Please stop this. This site is not the be-all and end-all of Ghostbusters. And we should not be stigmatized simply because we choose to move between sites.

Many of us from the NS and GBHQ “camps”, as you like to call them, were just getting back into a regular habit of posting here. Things were looking good. Then, it was mentioned by Bo, very politely, that mods were once-again locking topics without reason. Now, it was revealed that the main topic in question was locked by a good friend of mine, and he simply forgot to leave an explanation behind.

Unfortunately, this did not occur before the topic was led astray. However, I urge you to look closely, and without bias at who led the topic astray. It was neither I, or any of the “NS and GBHQ crew”, but instead members of your own beloved board.

You have now suspended Bo for doing nothing but complaining. Ironically enough, he had only made one complaint in recent memory, at a time when he was also getting back into posting regularly.

You act like all we do is come here and complain. Look at yourself, Chad. You're renowned for being too good to post with us “commoners”. How would you know if all we do is complain? I've got over 200 posts; how many have you responded to?

Now, it seems another of your mods has resigned, partly because of this. How unfortunate.

I urge you read this over:

You are, indeed, whining at this very moment. And, no, it is not a secret that I haven't done anything to appease you. I will say it for the last time, as this post will be locked, if you want to effect change you will work with the established and regular members of this community.

Once again, you resort to name-calling, and furthermore, you admit to not trying to appease. In fact, by the wording of this post, I must assume that you deliberately trying to upset us.

a) Attacks on other users will not be tolerated.

e) Flame Wars will not be allowed. Healthy Debates are ok, but if it is to the point where you are calling each other ignorant, it is no longer a Debate.

I would equate calling us “whiners” with the above rules.

In any case, I know you'll try and explain this away by saying it's all us coming over and trying to make our voice heard. But I've already taken away the steam, and besides that, I haven't posted at NS in quite some time. In fact, I post here much more often. And I lurk almost daily.

Reread this topic:


You'll plainly see that we were attempting to affect positive change, until someone turned it into a flame war. Chad, you came in attacking us. You have chosen to ignore multiple complaints about Back's behaviour and conduct, and that is your choice. But to ban Bo because you choose to ignore groos misuse of mod abilities, is purely wrong.

by Ectoslimeguy49

21 years, 2 months ago

Listen to the man. Listen….shush and listen. It is indeed wrong and against the very rules established on this board to attack other members. This is why we aren't a community. But the attacks must stop. There are no “camps” there are Ghostheads, and we all must learn this.


by JohnnySparks

21 years, 2 months ago

(*spam) (*spam) (*spam) (*spam) (*spam)

MACARENA by los del rio

When I dance they call me macarena
and the boys they say that I´m buena
they all want me, they can´t have me
So they all come and dance beside me
move with me jam with me
and if your good i take you home with me
A la tuhuelpa legria macarena
Que tuhuelce paralla legria cosabuena
A la tuhuelpa legria macarena Eeeh, macarena
A-Hai 2x
Now don´t you worry ´bout my boy friend
the boy who´s name is Nicorino
I don´t want him, ´cause sent him
he was no good so I - hahaaaa
Now, come on, what was I supposed to do ?
He was outta town and his two friends were soooo fine
Ref. 2x
Claps Ahai Ahai
Ref. 2x
Come and find me, my name is Macarena
always at the party,
´cause the chicos think I´m buena
come join me, dance with me
and all your fellows cat hello with me
Ref. 5x

Man, that song got so played out in like 96, do you all remember? Hey speaking of played out and things we have heard before.









Sorry I did not get all the like posts, and the other posts from other sites. But you know, having a life outta the boards is a real burden!

by the way it is Defense

by ChrisSpade

21 years, 2 months ago

Yeah, that mod…me. Im sorry, but a PM, and i would have deleted what I said over at NS. I didnt think i was “Lying” because i recalled alot from memory. I might of exaggerated in words. But I did not lie. Im not going to stir up trouble. I dont want to. But to sign on and see, “Chris Spade: Mod Hypocracy” in the Mod forum. Wow, thanks. Made me feel all warm and cushy inside. Thanks for calling me out. Im just going to roam these boards now, no more modding, ill still stand up for what i believe, but now since im not part of the “elite” my word prolly doesnt matter, and im sure i am gonna be a popular topic, and you prolly want to ban me now. That would only prove my point. Well thank you and good night.


by Chad

21 years, 2 months ago

You call us the “GBHQ” and the “NS” crew, and do so in an extremely negative manner. Please stop this. This site is not the be-all and end-all of Ghostbusters. And we should not be stigmatized simply because we choose to move between sites.

First off, I'll quote myself in another post I recently made.

We should all be one community, but then again, I wasn't the one who branched off and created a separate message board to go away from the already established one.

Earlier you guys wanted to deviate from GBC and you had nothing but bad things to say about the way people act and how things work here. Now you guys are upset that I acknowledge the other boards, as an alternative. And also, I mention them and cite them because you cannot act the same way here as you can there, and I mention them in direct context of situations where people complain that they can't act a certain way or do certain things that the majority of people here would disapprove and it would directly conflict with the rules.

Now, outside of this. I invite you to give me a direct example of how I said something directly negative to tarnish the view of either GBHQ and NS.

Many of us from the NS and GBHQ “camps”, as you like to call them, were just getting back into a regular habit of posting here. Things were looking good. Then, it was mentioned by Bo, very politely, that mods were once-again locking topics without reason. Now, it was revealed that the main topic in question was locked by a good friend of mine, and he simply forgot to leave an explanation behind.

No problem here, as I chimed in and made sure that the mods (both the mod who made the mistake and the others) knew to leave a comment explaining the situation before locking all posts. It was a simple mistake and it was solved within one day. The topic was still open and it was healthy.

Unfortunately, this did not occur before the topic was led astray. However, I urge you to look closely, and without bias at who led the topic astray. It was neither I, or any of the “NS and GBHQ crew”, but instead members of your own beloved board.

Actually, you are wrong. If you look at the post, and read all the way down, you will notice that the 4th post from the bottom started it all, none other than Bo Holbrook.

Bo Holbrook
It's stupid man, How are people expected to hold decent conversation if they're worried the mods will lock it because it may offend SOMEONE. Christ what are people supposed to talk about? Their shoe size? We're all intelligent human beings…. Well, Back isn't, But still most of us are. We should be able to hold intelligent conversation about mature subjects without some of you dimwits playing Big Brother on us.

You have now suspended Bo for doing nothing but complaining. Ironically enough, he had only made one complaint in recent memory, at a time when he was also getting back into posting regularly.

Bo was suspended for many reasons. First of all, as mentioned above, he was the one that not only started, but continued to push the needless anti-back complaint in the post. I attempted to keep addressing each new situation after it arose, even though the thread kept going more and more off-topic because of Bo. I made my point and it was final, back is staying as a mod because there was nothing that he did on the forums to even warrant the conversation and I sat through enough of the back bashing and, at the end of the thread, it was nothing more than strong opinion and blind hatred. I then locked the thread and made the factual point. If you wish to effect change in this community, you will not show up out of the blue and start making demands. That's not how this place works. After that, Bo began to flood the board with more demands and I told him to stop. Again, making reference to my last post. He continued and I had no other choice but to suspend him. Also, for the record, his banning from the board, at that time, was up for a vote and well over a majority voted in favor of banning him for good.

You act like all we do is come here and complain. Look at yourself, Chad. You're renowned for being too good to post with us “commoners”. How would you know if all we do is complain? I've got over 200 posts; how many have you responded to?

I apologize for not having as many posts as you do. I never said that I was the “king poster” around here, so I'm really at a loss of words right now, as I don't know why I am being criticized for not posting enough. If you haven't noticed, I am very busy. Now, before you or anyone else gets upset, yes we are all busy. My statement is not here to detract that others are not busy. I have very little free time, especially during the week.

My point in bringing up the complaining issue, to me, is very simple. There is a known group who posts on the NS and GBHQ boards and spends a great deal of time complaining about GBC. Some of them also come here and post regularly, but the majority only post here when the regular members have a problem. It is very clear, as all one would have to do is surf the NS board for one day.

Here is where I stand on the issue, and hopefully this comes across clear to you. I have no problem when people post on other boards, bashing GBC. I have no problem when people post on other boards talking Ghostbusters. I have no problem when people who also post on other boards, post on GBC and act cordial. However, there is one problem which I take great offense to, and I think it is very reasonable. I have a problem with people who bring their personal issues, inflated on other boards and bring others who don't even post on GBC regularly (defined: majority of their posts is to gang up and criticize events on GBC) and use the “power in numbers” method to get their voice heard. Whether they are really trying do effect change or just trying to cause a flame war, that is not how things are done here. People cannot come over here whenever they want, when 9 times out of 10 they are over at another board bashing this place, and expect to have a credible voice within this community. That's not how most things in life work, and it's not a sure fire way for your voice be heard, be it most anywhere.

Now, it seems another of your mods has resigned, partly because of this. How unfortunate.

I urge you read this over:

You are, indeed, whining at this very moment. And, no, it is not a secret that I haven't done anything to appease you. I will say it for the last time, as this post will be locked, if you want to effect change you will work with the established and regular members of this community.

Once again, you resort to name-calling, and furthermore, you admit to not trying to appease. In fact, by the wording of this post, I must assume that you deliberately trying to upset us.

I'm not sure where I was name-calling there. And yes, based on my last statement I have no problems admitting that I am not out to appease people who refuse to come here regularly and act decent to EVERYONE. Have respect for yourself, first and foremost, and find it within yourself to be cordial with EVERYONE. Even with people who you may not see eye to eye with.

a) Attacks on other users will not be tolerated.

e) Flame Wars will not be allowed. Healthy Debates are ok, but if it is to the point where you are calling each other ignorant, it is no longer a Debate.

I would equate calling us “whiners” with the above rules.

In any case, I know you'll try and explain this away by saying it's all us coming over and trying to make our voice heard. But I've already taken away the steam, and besides that, I haven't posted at NS in quite some time. In fact, I post here much more often. And I lurk almost daily.

Reread this topic:


You'll plainly see that we were attempting to affect positive change, until someone turned it into a flame war. Chad, you came in attacking us. You have chosen to ignore multiple complaints about Back's behaviour and conduct, and that is your choice. But to ban Bo because you choose to ignore groos misuse of mod abilities, is purely wrong.

This is where we completely disagree. If I had the time, I could count up all the flames on the opposing party, and then count up mine. Nowhere in that thread did I turn it into a personal issue and attack another. I think I was very professional and spoke about the facts. That is what a debate is. Now, if you are really serious about this back stuff, you are free to open up a debate, but I warn you. If it goes off topic or turns into a flame war, it's gone. You must present REAL FACTS which directly relate to actions in which back has abused his mod powers recently. This cannot be a personal attack, this cannot be something that happened 2 years ago, etc. You bring objectiveness to the table and we'll debate.

by brianreilly

21 years, 2 months ago

You must present REAL FACTS which directly relate to actions in which back has abused his mod powers recently. This cannot be a personal attack, this cannot be something that happened 2 years ago, etc. You bring objectiveness to the table and we'll debate.

Oh I've given up on the whole back issue. My initial complaint went unheard about a year ago, so I don't expect anyone to do anything now anyways. I don't even have the chat logs anymore. I was simply pointing out that Bo shouldn't be banned for bringing such evidence to light.

It's late, we're obviously not ognna agree on a lot of this…as for your post count, you actually have more posts than I do…more than twice as much I think. I was just pointing out that out of my 200+ posts, you haven't replied to very many, so to state that all I/we do is complain is way off base.

And Chris, sorry for using you as an example. What they did to you sounds pretty lousy…

by Chad

21 years, 2 months ago

And Chris, sorry for using you as an example. What they did to you sounds pretty lousy…

There was nothing “done” to Chris. It was a misunderstanding which was solved by communicating person to person. Something I highly suggest for all people going through misunderstandings. You would be surprised how much gets misinterpreted in message board posts and can easily be cleared up in IMs.

by Kingpin

21 years, 2 months ago

Well, thanks for the constructively done discussion, Brian. Some people could learn from this, including myself.

I can say honestly that I didn't exactly help things in that topic, but I do grow tired every time certain people say the MODs should be perfect automatons who control the boards, we're not perfect, and saying we have bad days is no excuse, but expecting us not to have personal views and feelings is rediculous.

Hmm, who's up for making a ‘spread the love/positive slime’ emoticon?

Didn't think so.

by brianreilly

21 years, 2 months ago

There was nothing “done” to Chris. It was a misunderstanding which was solved by communicating person to person. Something I highly suggest for all people going through misunderstandings. You would be surprised how much gets misinterpreted in message board posts and can easily be cleared up in IMs.

It may be your opinion that nothing was “done” to him, but from what I understand, what happened was that he was called out in front of all the other mods, on little to no evidence, for something he didn't even do. That, to me, is a pretty lousy way to treat someone.

And that was a nice “defensive” post by the way Sparks. Does this mean I can attack any member or their posts whenever I want and it will be okay as long as I claim it as defence. How can it be defence, Sparks, if I haven't attacked you in the first place?

by Chad

21 years, 2 months ago

There was nothing “done” to Chris. It was a misunderstanding which was solved by communicating person to person. Something I highly suggest for all people going through misunderstandings. You would be surprised how much gets misinterpreted in message board posts and can easily be cleared up in IMs.

It may be your opinion that nothing was “done” to him, but from what I understand, what happened was that he was called out in front of all the other mods, on little to no evidence, for something he didn't even do. That, to me, is a pretty lousy way to treat someone.

I invite you to talk with him, as I did bring forth direct evidence, which was the centerpiece of my whole post. However, what should have been, by myself, was a direct conversation with Chris. This was accomplished, however, and we realized that both of us aren't as far off from each other as we once thought.