Speaking in defence of my friends as well as myself

by brianreilly

21 years, 2 months ago

I'm getting some mixed messages here about Bo and PC:

We have tried to be as accommodating as we could…

…it is not a secret that I haven't done anything to appease you


by cj1

21 years, 2 months ago

A conspiracy perhaps, just like Watergate?

by brianreilly

21 years, 2 months ago

I was thinking along the lines of Area 51 myself…

by sinister1

21 years, 2 months ago

I was thinking along the lines of Area 51 myself…

I'm gonna get my revenge on those inhumain tyrants! What they did to me… it's it's…

sorry, couldnt resist.

by ChrisSpade

21 years, 2 months ago

There was nothing “done” to Chris. It was a misunderstanding which was solved by communicating person to person. Something I highly suggest for all people going through misunderstandings. You would be surprised how much gets misinterpreted in message board posts and can easily be cleared up in IMs.

It may be your opinion that nothing was “done” to him, but from what I understand, what happened was that he was called out in front of all the other mods, on little to no evidence, for something he didn't even do. That, to me, is a pretty lousy way to treat someone.

I invite you to talk with him, as I did bring forth direct evidence, which was the centerpiece of my whole post. However, what should have been, by myself, was a direct conversation with Chris. This was accomplished, however, and we realized that both of us aren't as far off from each other as we once thought.

Its true. I talked to Chad, and he did show me the evidence. I appologized for speaking out, but at the same time we discussed my reason for speaking out like I did. And we resolved it. And we are the same in fighting for what we stand for. I stand for the people tho, now more then ever. I intend to make sure everyone is heard. I did say that a PM would have settled this matter, and i most likely wouldnt have demodded myself. But we resolved everything, and I took back my spot. I think what you guys are doing, is fine, you are fighting for what you believe, and I am behind you all the way. But, here is my proposal, lets not call anyone the “NS” or the “GBHQ” or the “GBC” crew anymore. i mean, it only further seperates us. We all have one thing in common, ghostbusters, as cheesy as it sounds, its what brought us all to where we are at now.


21 years, 2 months ago

what got us to where we are now is people fighting and people making conspiracy theorys . the only reason they're addressed as sepreate crews is because thats what they are , is nightsquad here ? no . they're at nightsquad , is gbhq here ? no they're at gbhq , it's simply a title . since we're talking here right now , and we're not at nightsquad or gbhq then we are at gbc …meaning that nightsquad and gbhq are elsewhere , theres always this community talk , people saying we're one big community , or this is a seperate community , all that stuff . i'm going to clear it up once and for all ….. we are the ghostbusters fan community . there is a community of people on the gbc boards , on the nightsquad boards , and on the gbhq boards . i don't go to the other boards , so to me this is my community , but it's only a part of the whole community …..get it ??? germany is part of the world community , i'm in america , just because i don't go there doesn't mean it's not part of the world , but what happens there has nothing to do with what happens here . people need to just chill out and talk about ghostbusters and stop all this b.s. because thats what this is , it's not a soap opera , you're not making life changing decisions , cut all out the damn conspiricy theorys , he said this i'm mad , i can't say whats on my mind , this isn't a democracy crap !!! how hard is it to just talk ghostbusters with a bunch of people without fighting or finding new ways to hate people for something you don't even know they've done ? i'm getting really tired of it .

by cj1

21 years, 2 months ago

People, and especially us fans, tend to have different views of how we'd like things to be, you know? We can't all agree on the same things, which might be why Nightsquad and the GBHQ boards were born. Its users have a differnt theory as to how a “message board community” should be run, and if you were to see those, you'd see how different this one is from that one. In fact, some of the newbies from here who do manage to make their way to Nightsquad get eaten alive in a week. Just ask GBAndrew and ProtonPack666. So, if you were to go to that board, be prepared for a major difference.

by Mr.No_Ghost

21 years, 2 months ago

In reference to everything Bondo said: **Starts slow clap** <<clap, clap, clap>>…**continues into a multitude of applauds from a crowd of bystanders** <<<rhythmic clapping…>>>


by missygirl8520001

21 years, 2 months ago

Amen! I couldn't even agree more with you Bondo. (*egon)


21 years, 2 months ago

thanks no ghost ,it's sad though because I realize noone will pay attention to it and the fighting will continue , the conspiracy theories will continue . everyone will always have a problem with how things are going on , people will always want things done to suit their needs . and the whole time they're thinking this they won't bother to factor in that this is a website of people that like the same things , that originally came here to talk about it . it blows my mind how much people put into this on higher levels than what it should be . since I joined this group I haven't gotten in fights with people on the board , never had any of my threads lock , I've never bothered to sit here and insult Chad ( which seems to be the main topic at night squad on a regular basis) ……do you know why ? because none of it matters , I came here to talk , and that's what I do .I don't care what Chad does , he's not my boss , he doesn't tell me what to do on here ( despite what some of you people think ) he doesn't control all the mods , we think on our own , I am a member here first and a mod secondly and I'm speaking as a member right now . this petty fighting is stupid , we're acting like a bunch of children , no , we're worse than children , because children would have already settled this by now . if what the owner of a Ghostbusters site does is cause enough for you to actually get angry , you have a problem !!! if someone deletes your post and you freak out you have a problem !!! if you can manage to muster these emotions based entirely off of what goes on at a Ghostbusters website then you indeed are completely screwed in the head !!!!! why don't you get off your high horses , think about what's going on and take a good look at yourselves …..look in a damn mirror and then think about how some of you act on here , think about things you've said …are you starting to feel a little stupid about how some of you act on here or on other gb sites ? I sure as hell hope so , because this is just pathetic ……what I'm getting at is a simple question , it goes deeper than why cant you just get along , it's deeper than your fights ,I'm going to get to the base of all the problems with this one question


don't go and respond to me right away with defenses and insults or explanations , I'm tired of hearing it , I don't want to know about your fights , I don't want to know why they start , I don't want to know who they're with ….all I want to know is what the hell is wrong with you people that you can't talk to other people with the same interests without acting like civilized human damn beings . maybe if you think about it for a while you'll realize where I'm coming from . somehow you've managed to make all this stupid crap make sense to you ……but I don't get it , I never have , I never will .and on that note , I'm done , grow the hell up people .

signed ,
The Bondo Bandit

this post is not directed to any one person , this post is directed to everyone that's ever had a problem here or anywhere .