Spiderman Strikes Again

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 9 months ago

I would assume more likely the latter than the prior. As if he has any brains what-so-ever he would not be robbing places at all

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 9 months ago

Double Posts yet again…does that make this a Quad post?

For anyone who might have been interested, I just thought I would update you all. The sad individual whom has been on the lose for the last few weeks robbing Gas Stations and Hotels as Spidey Got caught a day or 2 ago.

It’s just really eerie that my father predicted he would be caught very soon and he was caught about a day maybe a little bit under after he robbed the gas station next door to this building for a second time which was when he predicted that.

Yes I do realize that it really means nothing that he ‘predicted’ this occurrence since its really common sense that he would eventually fuck up and get caught….I am just humored by the eerie coincidental timing

At the moment of this post he is only being charged with 3 of the robberies while the other 8 are still being investigated but from what I can gather from various news articles the spokes person for the police department seems to feel quite certain that it is the same person from all 11 (grand total) robberies

by jesusfreak1

16 years, 9 months ago

If done completely successfully, robbing the same place twice can realyl screw with prosecution/law enforcement - fortunately it's rarely ever done right.

That guy was bound to be caught, I mean c'mon spiderman? Like thats hard to miss.

by EvilToaster

16 years, 9 months ago

Yeah. Still, I'm impressed. I kinda wish he didn't get caught for a long time, like making a career out of burglaring… but gave back what he stole to be a good fellow. I guess it only happens in the movies.

by eatingfood1

16 years, 9 months ago

Serves him right!!