Spook Central - Multimedia Test (Please Help Test)

by spookcentral1

18 years ago

I posted this over on my site's journal on January 13th, but I only got one reply and he didn't give details on what browser/OS he was using. You know, I'm really starting to wonder if anyone even visits my site anymore. Anyway, I'm hoping that I'll get a few more responses here, as I'd hate to incorporate these “features” into my site only to find out that they don't work for a lot of people.


I'm hard at work on the next site update, though I've been getting very little time to actually work on it, hence why it's still not done yet (maybe before the end of February). Besides adding lots of new content (well, all the new stuff that's been sitting on my hard drive for, like, forever), I'm trying to better incorporate the multimedia on the site. I just found two very nice ways of displaying image and (Flash) video files, but before I start adding the codes to all of my pages, I made a test page so that I can get comments and bug/usability reports from others.


This page displays a thumbnail image at the top (click for full size with caption), and an embedded Flash video file below that. I have tested the page out in:

* SeaMonkey v1.0.6 under Windows 2000.
* Internet Explorer v6.0.2800.1106 under Windows 2000.

I'm interested in knowing how it works in other browsers (or versions) under other operating systems. Post comments please.


1. If a Firefox/SeaMonkey/Mozilla/etc. user has AdBlock Plus installed, and “show tabs on flash and java” turned on, the AdBlock tab for the flash object will show through the image. I don't know of a fix for this.

2. The video player will download (not play) the video file as soon as it is loaded, rather than if the user specifically requests it by pressing the Play button. If I put a lot of embedded videos on one page, a user who's still on dial-up may have some problems with their computer and/or connection slowing down. This is probably an issue with the player itself, and can't be fixed by me.

by sandmanfvr

18 years ago

Firefox 2.0, latest updates, runs fine.

by mellie1

18 years ago

IE 7.0.5730.11 Win XP Pro SP2

had a little trouble with the video

Ultra high speed DSL, but I don't find it reliable

by spookcentral1

18 years ago

Sandmanfvr and Mellie, thank you for the feedback. It's very much appreciated.

Mellie, what kind of problem did you have with the video? Did it not show up? Did it not play when “play” was pressed? If you could be a little more specific, it would great.