Squashed sig pics

by Ghostbusters

21 years, 7 months ago

Doesn't anybody else not like when people use these wrongly sized pictures for the sig images which just end up looking like a squashed mess? There must be a way to prevent this, it's damn ugly

by Sinister

21 years, 7 months ago

There is.

You make a new one in a design program that fits the specified dimensions.

by Ghostbusters

21 years, 7 months ago

Yeh but it's not me who needs to know, I know what I'm doing it's just those people who get this picture and have it all squashed into the sig pic so it looks like a blurred mess. It needs to prevent people from uploading sigs that aren't even the right shape

by Zack

21 years, 7 months ago

How to Add a profile pic, an Avatar, and sig picture to your posts.

Well there it is in the FAQ explaining the specifications and requirements. The thing is some people just are not all that computer literate(I used to not know how to make a decent looking one) and don't know how to make it look correctly proportioned or just choose not to. It's not that big of a deal.

Don't know if it can really be considered a site suggestion because it's really the persons job to make sure it will appear proportioned correctly. The system only knows to resize to 350 x 50. I'm pretty sure theres no way a system can read your mind and know what you want.

If anybody wants any help, let me know.


by brian_reilly

21 years, 6 months ago

I think maybe a filter could be implemented to only show graphics that are 350x50. That way, when people tried to upload their ugly, ugly pics, the server would say "NO! Make a good signature pic!"