Stake Your Claim! Help Draft the GB Message Board Rules!

by Chad

21 years, 7 months ago

Below, each user should have ONE message, just ONE message which they can edit if they wish. This post should explain what you WANT and DON'T want to be included in the GB Message Board community guidelines (rules).

Tabulations will be counted and we will put all major issues up to a vote for the community to decide. Please limit your posts to just one post per user so we can easily count things. If you need to add things, edit them.


by gbmasterman

21 years, 7 months ago

Ok heres what I think. I think we should be able to specify in a post's subject who we want to reply. Only though as long as it has to do with gostbusters. So anotherwords I should be able to say hey river_of_slime in the post's subject then ask him a question in the post it self. Not everyone knows people's e-mail. If other people know the answer to the question then they can answer too.
Also if something has already been posted by someone else and its not on thefirst list of postings then why should they get in trouble for posting it again? I shure as hell know I'm not going to go through 10 pages of postings before I feel safe that I'm not brining something up that has been brought up 3 months ago. That's what a message board is for right?
And I think everything else should stay the same. That is the way it was before you had to poke youre little head in again Chad. Again Chad no offense.

by TheRazorsEdge

21 years, 7 months ago

First of all…gbmasterman, there is a private messenger system so that you already can address a single user specifically. It doesn't require an e-mail address or anything. You just click the “You have so-and-so new messages” link up there in the top right of the screen, click the New Post button, and take it from there.

Second, to actually answer the topic:

My first and foremost concern is censorship, or hopefully the lack thereof. My opinion is that any “offensive” language used in the films Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters II should be permitted on the board. Basically, that limits us to anything that's considered PG-13. (the worst possible terms in that category being “shit” and “God damn”)

It is my personal belief that censorship in written form is foolish, because anyone and everyone can tell that “sh*t” is still “shit”, and it's just insulting to our collective intelligence for someone to believe that removing one letter suddenly makes it a different, more friendly word.

Of course, common sense should still apply. Calling someone a dirty name is flaming, no matter what the name is. It doesn't matter if I call a person a “dick” or a “doofus”, either way I'm still insulting him and that shouldn't be allowed, and the language should have nothing to do with it.

There can also be cases where excessive swearing should be dealt with. For instance, just because you're allowed to say “shit” doesn't mean you should be allowed to use it twenty times in a single post.

The point here should be that the rulemakers have enough confidence in the maturity of the people here to allow us to use PG-13 language as we see fit, but it should still be dealt with when it gets out of hand. The message should be to use common sense, and anything less would be to treat us like children, which none of us (hopefully) are.

by stayinpuft1

21 years, 7 months ago

all that I care about is the freedom of speech… I can agree that we should keep offensive language to a minimum BUT PLEASE GOD DO NOT STIFLE OUR ABILTIY TO VOICE OUR OPINIONS! If someone posts an Iraq thread just let nature run its course, AS LONG AS there are no specfic threats or attacks on another member of this website! All I care is that we can say what is on our minds who cares about the rest… Thank You…

by DarylScoleri

21 years, 7 months ago

I for one think that if we were going to censor words at all, they should be set so that they would just show up as **** instead of sh*t. Also, I agree on the point about previous topics. If there's something on the same page about a topic, additional threads should be locked, but if it's a few pages back it shouldn't matter. Also, back to language, I don't think any cussing should be allowed, but I know that won't happen. So I figure movie used language should be allowed, as long as it doesn't go too far out of context. That doesn't mean that we have to quote the movie in order to cuss, but rather you can say “The ghostbusters kicked @$$” but not “You're an @$$” (that's just an example)

by back

21 years, 7 months ago

Id love to have most if not all vulgar words censored unless quoted in either of the films. keep posts reasonable, ie: not too adultish or racist (posted mainly in misc forums), appropriate avatars & sigs, no “bashing” of members weather it bothers the victim or not. and Use Common Sense!
im gone.

by Chad

21 years, 7 months ago

I will edit this as time goes by, but my largest suggestion is this:

NO talking politics! All problems and political (inside GB community) talk will be moved to board suggestions. Therefore, you can voice your opinion, but it WILL NOT disrupt other people's stay at the site. Therefore we can all go back to the whole reason we came here…. GHOSTBUSTERS.

by egonspengler4

21 years, 7 months ago

Well, as far as I know, you don't get in trouble for posting something that's already been posted. But it'd be easier when a Mod closes a thread, that they post a link to the already existing thread. I say that should be mandatory for all mods.

by Shadow_weaveR

21 years, 7 months ago

Very true, I think sometimes we all forget that this board is for ghostbusters… people seem to get wrapped up in this political crap arguments ect and forget the main purpose of the board. ghostbusters. shit ass and other swear words should be allowed but not to bash other members only to add emphisis to something. no spam ect ect and all that other common sense stuff.

by blutoblutarsky1

21 years, 7 months ago

Pretty much all the rules that I think should be applied have already been said here, so I don't really have anything new to post.