(^_^) Glad to see Johnny Sparks back…this place is a bit duller without him.
Some good points have been raised, and I could just about say “adopt Sparks' list and we'll be okay” but where would be the fun in that… :p
My own sentiments on a few of the rules issues:
1. Language. I'm pretty much with the concensus on this one: “If it's in the movies it's okay”. Pretty much anything short of the “f bomb” (as, I believe, Proton Charger so elequently euphemized it“). It got too silly for me on GBN when I once posted this word: ”f***", and a Mod changed it. I
didn't post the real word, just exactly what I have there (the letter “f” and three stars). That's being hypersensative when even a self-censored curse word is too much. But don't go overboard on the “allowed” words, either–most of us don't want this place sounding like a rap video or a Tarantino flick.
2. Respect Other Members. We dont' have to agree. And there should be more room for disagreement on the board than in the GBN days (and so far there has been–read just about any of Bo or Mr. Pink's posts since yesterday :p ). Granted, there will always be people that get offended too easily also–so if somebody asks you to drop it drop it. Conversely, don't go crying to the Mods every time somebody disagrees with you–there's one member of this board who seems to enjoy disagreeing with me, but I don't go saying "ban her!!!' every time she does.
3. Mods and Banning. This is a tough call in any circumstance. I mean, let's face it, not all troublemakers are going to come out and announce it like this following, highly exxaggerated, hypothetical case…
PlEaSeBaNmE 9969Ghosthead
(Avatar picture of Saddam Hussein flipping the bird)
Comes From: Iraq
Joined: Friday the Thirteenth
hello all i am PlEaSeBaNmE 9969 and i'm a troublemaking prick. i hate chad paulson becasue he won't send me pcitures of himself so i flame every ghostbusters message bouard i can find because i hate him and he;s a ghostbusters fan. bo holbrook and gvba and proton charger are kissasses compared to me. i also think janiene should marry lewis tully
PlEaSeBaNmE9969, President of the Osama Bin Laden Fan Club
PlEaSeBaNmE9969+Igon=gay luv 4ever
(Brian_Reilly and Dr. Riddle are groaning…they've seen that joke before…And no, PlEaSeBaNmE's not based on any one person, but if some of the bits and pieces sound familiar that's a complete coincidence

I don't know if GBMB allows Mods to ban anyone, or only Administrators. But there should be oversight either way. If someone is being a problem, yes, temporarily ban or “suspend” him until the Mod/Admin group as a whole can decide on the issue. The suspending Mod/Admin should be ready to explain why. The leadership can either decide to unsuspend or put the Permanent Ban to a vote of the users as a whole. Allow a week like Sparks suggests. If the vote goes in favor of the accused, they are restored to active status and all is forgiven. If the users say “kick his ass out” then they're gone.
The one exception to all this procedure is when a Banned member reregisters under a different name. Show them no mercy. (^_^)