Stake Your Claim! Help Draft the GB Message Board Rules!

by BlueWaveGB

21 years, 7 months ago

Maybe a group vote over banning. Larger than just the mods, but smaller than the entire board.
Leaving important community messages up until one can post on them for at least 24 hours or something. I have worked all day and been gone and one of the messages was already locked before I even read it. Im not complaining, I just want to make sure people get a chance to voice their opinion on some of the important issues before they are locked off.

by OrkoIsKing

21 years, 7 months ago

I think people should be voted to be banned instead of a moderator just banning them. Here's how it works. We will call this person “Bob”.

Bob is being, what some might consider, an ass. People suggest a banning and then the mods make a sticky poll which is to last for one week. During the course of the poll, people vote if Bob is to be banned or if he stays.

by JohnnySparks

21 years, 7 months ago

I like the poll idea about people being banned. After all if it is the people's board, it is the people's decision! I actually liked most of the rules from the old GBN. I just think that some of the rules like language, needed more leeway. I mean, you could not even say SHIT, or ASSHOLE, when they appear in the movies. another issue is that some things need to be handled in a quicker fashion. Some people out there are determined to make the board experiance a trip to hell, and sometimes it takes to long for action to be taken. This board should be full with as much free expression as possible, WITHIN REASON of course. I mean recent problems, concerning Back and Proton charger were kinda stupid. I mean sure Back's humor isn't for every one. But there is no need to start a I hate Back's humor Militia group. All people here have choices of what posts they want to go to. And if that post does not suit your fancy, then don't go. Also that still is not reason enough to suspend/ban someone, so I think both parties were at fault there. People blame rules and tyrants for ruining the community, when in fact it is the people themselves who ruin it. I mean, we are all great people in our own ways and all having something special to offer to this community. If we all work together for once, we can all turn out something good. So before we make rules and regulations, I think we have to change our attitudes a bit and remember each one of us counts equally! And I know that whatever rules us people decide on will be untouchable, because all of us made them! here is a short list of ideas.

1. all language that is good for the movies, is good enough for me
2. people decide on who goes and who stays in banning situations, and a poll should stay open for one week for people to vote on banning
3. No more talk of the past, we are living in the future
4. the only people in charge is the majority of the community
5. all mods should act in a proper way, if not, the people should vote on a demodding also lasting a weeks time
6. Do not bring trashing and garbage that occurs on other boards to this one, it started there, so leave it there
7. No double posting
8. Make sure updates are common no matter what it is, just to keep interest and topics alive, even rumors, just let us know itis a rumor! we don't want anymore slumps!
9. if you disagree with something, say something at least educational to counterpoint it, no flame wars!
10. The people always come first!

by DocFritz

21 years, 7 months ago

(^_^) Glad to see Johnny Sparks back…this place is a bit duller without him.

Some good points have been raised, and I could just about say “adopt Sparks' list and we'll be okay” but where would be the fun in that… :p

My own sentiments on a few of the rules issues:

1. Language. I'm pretty much with the concensus on this one: “If it's in the movies it's okay”. Pretty much anything short of the “f bomb” (as, I believe, Proton Charger so elequently euphemized it“). It got too silly for me on GBN when I once posted this word: ”f***", and a Mod changed it. I didn't post the real word, just exactly what I have there (the letter “f” and three stars). That's being hypersensative when even a self-censored curse word is too much. But don't go overboard on the “allowed” words, either–most of us don't want this place sounding like a rap video or a Tarantino flick.

2. Respect Other Members. We dont' have to agree. And there should be more room for disagreement on the board than in the GBN days (and so far there has been–read just about any of Bo or Mr. Pink's posts since yesterday :p ). Granted, there will always be people that get offended too easily also–so if somebody asks you to drop it drop it. Conversely, don't go crying to the Mods every time somebody disagrees with you–there's one member of this board who seems to enjoy disagreeing with me, but I don't go saying "ban her!!!' every time she does.

3. Mods and Banning. This is a tough call in any circumstance. I mean, let's face it, not all troublemakers are going to come out and announce it like this following, highly exxaggerated, hypothetical case…

PlEaSeBaNmE 9969
(Avatar picture of Saddam Hussein flipping the bird)
Comes From: Iraq
Joined: Friday the Thirteenth

hello all i am PlEaSeBaNmE 9969 and i'm a troublemaking prick. i hate chad paulson becasue he won't send me pcitures of himself so i flame every ghostbusters message bouard i can find because i hate him and he;s a ghostbusters fan. bo holbrook and gvba and proton charger are kissasses compared to me. i also think janiene should marry lewis tully
PlEaSeBaNmE9969, President of the Osama Bin Laden Fan Club
PlEaSeBaNmE9969+Igon=gay luv 4ever
(Brian_Reilly and Dr. Riddle are groaning…they've seen that joke before…And no, PlEaSeBaNmE's not based on any one person, but if some of the bits and pieces sound familiar that's a complete coincidence )

I don't know if GBMB allows Mods to ban anyone, or only Administrators. But there should be oversight either way. If someone is being a problem, yes, temporarily ban or “suspend” him until the Mod/Admin group as a whole can decide on the issue. The suspending Mod/Admin should be ready to explain why. The leadership can either decide to unsuspend or put the Permanent Ban to a vote of the users as a whole. Allow a week like Sparks suggests. If the vote goes in favor of the accused, they are restored to active status and all is forgiven. If the users say “kick his ass out” then they're gone.
The one exception to all this procedure is when a Banned member reregisters under a different name. Show them no mercy. (^_^)

by mellie1

21 years, 7 months ago

I really like that voting for banning idea, but to go along with that, if it's the root chosen the first post should let everyone know all the reasons that they are up for banning. Not everyone is here all the time so it's impossible for the community to vote without being informed properly.

I see no reason to censor curse words as long as they're not bashing anyone, obviously there are limitations and I think that most of us hold enough intelligence to figure out what those limitations are.

NO BASHING OTHER MEMBERS, that should be first and foremost. As repeated many many times, take it else where. There is a PM system here use that, get they're email or messenger contact. If you have a beef with someone don't run around telling everyone else how much u hate them, that doesn't accomplish anything.

Yes, the mods should be voted on, and there should be at least a week for this to happen. As we saw first time around mods were nominated and picked in less than 24 hrs. It will also prevent admin. from just picking they're friends.

As others mentioned, if a recent post is repeated, then maybe a warning or something, but if it's a few pages back just a nice re-direct should work. And then of course if the topic is ancient, I see no reason to lock it. There will always be new members with new opinions. sometimes it's just plain silly reading a post on a topic that's more than probably 8-10 months old….or something like that. But with those it's kind of a case to case thing, i think.

I also think that, if possible, a warning system should be implemented. Like a 3 strikes your out. So if someone does break the rules, they get 3 warnings, then one more and they get put up for banning.

I might add more later, but for now that's what I've got.

by EvilToaster

21 years, 7 months ago

Very true, I think sometimes we all forget that this board is for ghostbusters… people seem to get wrapped up in this political crap arguments ect and forget the main purpose of the board. ghostbusters.

I'm just going to lightly elaborate on this point. My friend, who's not a devout ghosthead, visits these boards now and then. To quote him, he says that compared to other boards, these forums are “A soap opera”. In looking at the nature of the posting that goes in here, this is true. I have not seen another board around that involves as much politics as the GBMB.


Néanmoins, I am seconding Orko's and Johnny's idea about poll banning. But I have a slightly different idea of how it should be done. What I am suggesting is, if a Mod believes that a certain member should be banned, let's say, Bob, then that Mod could ban Bob instantly before he could cause any more trouble. THEN a poll could be held to see if Bob should be brought back.
If it takes a week to ban a member, he could use that time to his advantage to spam the boards, bash members, and cause other preventable trouble.

That's it for me. Catch you all later.


P.S. - The view is nice up here on the fence…

by NetSolo

21 years, 7 months ago

A clearcut definition of what can and cannot be said. Maybe unappropriate words could be filtered out by the computer rather than having mods do it. And talking about using words like ass in different contexts is ridiculous. Too complicated and will cause more problems. Clear-cut.

The color scheme needs to be darker- more like Bill's board. This one feels too much like the SHH boards.

Oh, and more avitar pictures of Keira Knightly (thanks BlueWave), that's a must…

by DocRyedale

21 years, 7 months ago

LOL Fritz! :p I just knew that one was going to come along soon.

Johnny, you hit the nail on the head.

1.) All language that is good for the movies is okay, as long as the really bad words don't appear ten times in one post. And that word that sounds like fudge is a definite no. That one can't be said (Or in this case, “typed”.). Period.
2.) No more talk of the past, we are living in the future. Put the problems of the community and your own feuds with fellow Ghostheads aside. Do not bring trashing and garbage that occurs on other boards to this one, it started there, so leave it there.
3.) The only people in charge is the majority of the community.
4.) All mods should act in a proper way, if not, the people should vote on a demodding also lasting a weeks time. No abusing power, editing/delteting threads/posts/replies, or threatening certain members just because you have a grudge with them or don't like them.
5.) Stay on topic and no double posting. Which means if someone starts a thread on something that has absolutely nothing to do with Pizza Hut Pizza, then don't come in and reply that you like Pizza Hut Pizza.
6.) Make sure updates are common no matter what it is, just to keep interest and topics alive, even rumors, just let us know it's a only a rumor! We don't want anymore slumps!
7.) If you disagree with something, say something at least educational to counterpoint it. No flame wars! If you don't like something someone has made a post about, don't come in and bash the people who do. Act civilized.
8.) The people always come first!

by wingsnut25

21 years, 7 months ago

isnt this post right now full of polotics?

but anyways about the poll for a ban, this has a major flaw, sometimes members come to the boards witht he sole purpose of causing problems, having to wait a week for the members to vote on banning somebody would make a hell of a lot of work for the mods, deleting post after post after post… the mods werent power hungry as portrayed buy a few people, i think the vote among mods is more then suffucient, after all mods wouldnt just vote somebody off without having a good reason…

by Dr.KyleStevens

21 years, 7 months ago

My share of the rules…

1. Langauge, Depends o how you use it, I'm not the one who express my feeling by cussing unless I'm angry, but I guess we shoudl keep them to a mimium.
2. Respect for other, no bashing , no flame wars , if a member doesn't like someone then they dont have to post on their threads, they can just curb it.
3. Mods, should be respectfuol and not abuse their abilities and should always think of the users and if they have a problems they can consult them with it.

4.Topics should be on the subject and not some joker like crap that.

5. Bannings, 3 stirker your out rule.

And that's all I know.