Stake Your Claim! Help Draft the GB Message Board Rules!

by ghostbuster2005

21 years, 7 months ago

i think that the 3 strick rule would be good because that would give ppl another chance, and a bashing rule…..i see to much bashing here on the site as it is, and Johnny u did hit the nail on the head…but as a group i think we all can come together and put this Constitution together :-) (^_^)

by brianreilly

21 years, 7 months ago

My little rule contribution harkens back to the glory days of GBN:

Freedom of Speech is for mods/admins only!

For example:

1. Back can threaten people. He can personally attack me and others, and abuse his mod powers. He can ban people for personally attacking someone, and let his own girlfriend off the hook when she does the same.

2. Mods can delete posts at random, because somewhere, deep within them, there may be a hidden jab at Chad. Keep in mind however, that it's okay for Back to tell me that he will hunt me down and kill me, or at least I assume so, because Chad will never respond to my complaints.

3. Mods should go far out of his way to ban users who make fun of Chad, but not ban users who spam the boards, harrass other users, or generally break all the rules.

4. I have to quote:
you can voice your opinion, but it WILL NOT disrupt other people's stay at the site
…so basically, I can say anything I want, as long as it's not controversial to anyone in any way? That seems a little odd…If I say that Egon and Janine should be together, that's gonna be upsetting for people who think Peter and Janine should be together, and I would be banned for saying it.

Seriously, get with it. People have differing opinions. It was nice to be able to debate with each other about serious issues for a while, Chad. And actually use language suitable for kids ages 13 and up while we do it, since it is illegal for children under 13 to be here anyways. The community was on it's feet. The civil war was over. And then you came back, and actually managed to make yourself look good to all the people you wronged, and will continue to wrong. I KNOW this reply will be deleted, even though it shouldn't be. I don't care. Because I am not posting on this message board ever again. You have destroyed Ghostbusters. You continue to hurt the community, and you step on anyone who gets in your way.

Goodbye to all the people who made these boards great. I'll try to keep in touch with most off you (Doc Fritz, Dr. Riddle, Sinister, etc…), but I can no longer be a part of this madness. This is stupid.

P.S. If you delete this, Chad or , you'll only prove what I am saying true.

by Chad

21 years, 7 months ago

My little rule contribution harkens back to the glory days of GBN:

Freedom of Speech is for mods/admins only!

For example:

1. Back can threaten people. He can personally attack me and others, and abuse his mod powers. He can ban people for personally attacking someone, and let his own girlfriend off the hook when she does the same.

2. Mods can delete posts at random, because somewhere, deep within them, there may be a hidden jab at Chad. Keep in mind however, that it's okay for Back to tell me that he will hunt me down and kill me, or at least I assume so, because Chad will never respond to my complaints.

3. Mods should go far out of his way to ban users who make fun of Chad, but not ban users who spam the boards, harrass other users, or generally break all the rules.

4. I have to quote:
you can voice your opinion, but it WILL NOT disrupt other people's stay at the site
…so basically, I can say anything I want, as long as it's not controversial to anyone in any way? That seems a little odd…If I say that Egon and Janine should be together, that's gonna be upsetting for people who think Peter and Janine should be together, and I would be banned for saying it.

Seriously, get with it. People have differing opinions. It was nice to be able to debate with each other about serious issues for a while, Chad. And actually use language suitable for kids ages 13 and up while we do it, since it is illegal for children under 13 to be here anyways. The community was on it's feet. The civil war was over. And then you came back, and actually managed to make yourself look good to all the people you wronged, and will continue to wrong. I KNOW this reply will be deleted, even though it shouldn't be. I don't care. Because I am not posting on this message board ever again. You have destroyed Ghostbusters. You continue to hurt the community, and you step on anyone who gets in your way.

Goodbye to all the people who made these boards great. I'll try to keep in touch with most off you (Doc Fritz, Dr. Riddle, Sinister, etc…), but I can no longer be a part of this madness. This is stupid.

P.S. If you delete this, Chad or , you'll only prove what I am saying true.

If you beleive this to be true, I have one word for you.


No skin off my back, nobody is keeping you here. If you truly care about Ghostbusters you will quit bitching about the past and help mold the future. Nobody is censoring anyone. There is only one rule now that will stand through the entire time. That is…

No politics

Everything else is fair game until the rules are finally drafted and voted.

by brianreilly

21 years, 7 months ago

Then why did you lock my post about the definition of theft? No politics there. Just an innocent question.

by Chad

21 years, 7 months ago

Cut the bullshit, it was politics. No more Mr. niceguy. This community is not going to put up with bullshit.

WARNING: Any further posts about politics or this discussion will be deleted. If you want to carry it on, go to “Board Suggestions”, where all political threads will be moved.

You already hijacked this thread enough and broke the one post per user rule.

by brianreilly

21 years, 7 months ago

To be fair, you also broke the rule. And you also locked my post that was full of ‘politics’ in the board suggestions forum, so how was I encouraged to post there?

by Chad

21 years, 7 months ago

Let's get back on topic, all off topic posts wil be either moved or deleted.

by ash1

21 years, 7 months ago

As many of you know, I am greatly opposed to blatant postwhoring (i.e. very stupid topics and replies that contribute nothing to the board or discussion). I believe that feelings of inferiority arise because of postcounts.

Say, for instance, an oldbie member is taking a lot of flak from a newbie, because the noob thinks he's hot shit because of his postcount.

Anyway, my point is, worthless posts are worthy of only one thing: deletion.

by sinister1

21 years, 7 months ago

1) Ofensive language that would not be found in a film rated 12a (or is it 13 is the US?) will not be tolerated.

2) Excessive use of the prior acceptable lanhuage will also not be tolerated.

3) Blatant attacks on other users is not allowed, eg “Isn't XXXX such a XXXX” Posts like these disrupt the community to no end. However, should a user have a problem with the way another user isa cting on the boards he has the right to ppost a CONSTRUCTIVE comment under the offending thread. Providing it does not result in childish name calling.

4) Links to pornographic material will not be tolerated.

5) Posts that apear with the ful intention of making touble will be deleted.

6) Polictics should not have a place on the board, however, should a user feel the need to discuss the runninng of this site they can post in the suggestions forum without fear of deletion, unless of course the post crosses one of the above guidelines.

7) Private Messaes are not allowed on the boards as we have a new PM system.

8) Spamming of topics is not allowed. Spamming consists of constantly isolating topics and posting nonsense replies and or starting a new topic with an equally pointless topic, eg, “Ging gang goolie”

9) Banning members is not a spontaneous act, it must be deeply considered and a council must make the desision, almost as if it wwas a court case against the offender, witnesses should be consulted etc…

10) Users should NOT be persecuted for a difference in opinion, the age old Egon/Janine talk springs to mind here.

11) The paranormal boards need to be kept Ghostbusters free.

12) Posts should not be locked for peti reasons, requirments for a thread to be locked should be as followes:

  • There has been a recent identical topic produced.
    The post is proving disrutpive.

12) Posts should rarely be deleted, this is a retraction of freedom of speech, only spam posts should be deleted.

I may coem up with some more later…

by EvilToaster

21 years, 7 months ago

but anyways about the poll for a ban, this has a major flaw, sometimes members come to the boards witht he sole purpose of causing problems, having to wait a week for the members to vote on banning somebody would make a hell of a lot of work for the mods, deleting post after post after post… the mods werent power hungry as portrayed buy a few people, i think the vote among mods is more then suffucient, after all mods wouldnt just vote somebody off without having a good reason…

Very good point; I agree, and this is why I suggested earlier that if a mod feels, within his or her best judgement, that a user should be banned, he/she could ban him, and then a meeting could be held to decide if the user should be brought back. This prevents the possible trouble.

And, Iain, I think you've hit the nail on the head.