Stake Your Claim! Help Draft the GB Message Board Rules!


21 years, 7 months ago

1.Language-if it's in the flicks and on regular prime-time TV, it's all good. The other words are off limits and unecessary. Like someone else said, if it's gonna be such a big issue, set up the board to automatically **** out the words.

2.Arguments-Okay, just because two people are aruging a point in a thread does NOT mean it should be locked. Unless it's getting too out of hand, healthy debating is good to try and share your views with others while hearing someone else's and maybe one of your views will change.

3.Double Posts-As already stated, the number of posts increases the number of backlog pages. Why the hell do we gotta go all the way to page 10 to make sure we're not restarting a started topic. I think after 4 or 5 pages, idle threads should begin to disappear. So if you got a thread that's 5 months old on the last page and someone starts a new one of the same type, delete the old one. Otherwise, if someone double posts before the old ones are gone, lock it but for god sakes put the link to the old one.

4.Banning-I like a combination of suggestions. I think if a member has become disruptive, a mod should ban them to start off, and then a poll be started to decide if they stay banned or if they come back. People who cause trouble should be placed on a mod's probationary list and carefully monitored for an unspecified amount of time. If they continue to act up, then the banning takes place. Or, if people feel this is too unfair, the other suggestion I can make is set up a kind of legal system. Appoint a “judge”, arguers for the case, and set up a meeting via a chat room to ultimately decide the fate.

5.Moderators-Mods should have hands-off policy. They don't need to mention every small tiny infraction in threads. What they should do is reply to threads like regular members when serious rules haven't been broken, and then when they have act like mods. Most of us don't need babysitters. Also, the thread locking…if it's felt a mod jumped the shark in locking a thread they felt needed to be, there should be a way to have it reopened. Also, we should be able to vote for mods for more than ONE DAY and have the option to initiate an impeachment process for those abusing their power. Also, Mods should be made to remember they too are human, and if someone points out a mistake they made, that should NOT be met with any kind of disciplinary action unless it was done so in a disruptive and harmful manner.

6.Topic or not-sometimes, people're gonna go a bit off topic ‘cause that’s human nature. Something is said that is reminded of something else, so they begin to discuss that. So what? If no one has a problem with the new sub-topic, it should be left alone, not instructed to go back ON topic. Think of it this way, saves another thread. I've seen topics correct themselves after a while. However, if someone comes in and says something that has nothing to do with anything, that's not so good. Also, anyone who has a problem with a topic should be reminded they are not obligated to read every single thread if not a mod. They can pick and choose what they want to participate in.

7.Politics (Not the board)-It's a subject that happens every day. It's always changing so there's always something new. If some civil minded individuals wanna discuss current politics, LET THEM. Other people who don't like politics don't have to read those topics. We're big people, we can make up our own minds on what topics we're interested in and what we're not. And lord knows I need someplace to bitch about my current mayor!

8.Newbie Thread-There should be a permanent thread where new members can come in and introduce themselves, since all the “HI!” threads appear to get locked.

9.Abusiveness-Insults are gonna happen, it's a fact. Mild ones can be overlooked. But when members go outta their way to insult or abuse another member, that's a big no-no. No more wars, no more petty rivalries. Civilized arguments or none at all.

10.By The People-Let's try to succeed where the American government (as far as I know) failed. This was once said to be a board by the Ghostheads for the Ghostheads. Fine. Let's keep it that way. Moderators and administrators should work WITH US, not AGAINST US. Ghostheads should work together. You wanna keep this place good, then work at it. You can bitch and complain all you like, but unless you do something about it it ain't gonna get done.

My two cents.

by toygeek1

21 years, 7 months ago

I don't really have a lot to say here…most of it's already been said. However, there is a point that I feel needs to be made.

I've done my share of board moderating in the past (not here obviously, but other places), and when it comes to banning members…well, it's not a community effort. Especially on a board like this one, where there apparantly was voting for the new mods (wasn't here at the time, myself), the rest of the community should just sit back and let the people they voted for do their jobs. If you don't think they can do that properly, then you shouldn't have voted for them. A person can be banned for many reasons, not the least of which being an ass on the board. I had to ban someone once for PMing porn to board members. The rest of the board didn't necessarily know that, but that was the reason.

The poll starting is a good idea in theory, but imagine someone started a poll to ban you. Imagine that it failed, and you got to stay. How would it make you feel to know that there were people that wanted you gone so badly that they started publicly calling for your dismissal? The same goes for banning, and then polling after the fact…because again, the rest of the community doesn't always have all the information, and it's not necessarily their business, depending on the situation.

My feeling is that if a moderator feels that someone needs to be banned, then that person needs to be banned. After one week, THAT PERSON may email the moderators/admin and state his case for being reinstated. The moderators will vote amongst themselves at that point, and if they decide, even by majority, that that person can come back, then they're back. But under the proviso that if they get banned again, that's it.

And that's about all I have to say.

by domhnall4h

21 years, 7 months ago

1) Election
Mods should be voted on, for a limited term. (say 3 months). That way, no one will feel that a particular mod has too much power, he'll be gone in a couple of months if he abuses it. There should be 5 mods per sub-section on the board. That will reduce the work each indiviual mod has to keep this running smoothly.

There should be a 7 person oversite council. They would handle any appeals against a pecieved unfair moderation. This too, would be voted on, after the mods were elected. Mods would not be allowed to vote on this particular election. They will also be limited in terms.

All elections should be held via the IM system on this site, so as to keep each person's views secret.

Users who violate the rules 3 times (the 3 strikes your stabbed repeatedly in the chest with a 13" blade rule, defined later) should be suspended pending a general vote. This vost would be made among all current mods. Again, this can be appealed to the oversite group. If that fails, then a referendum could be passed among all members of the board, to determine the fate of the aleged perpetrator. That would be the last chance, and if that fails, they go to jail. Do not pass GO. Do not collect $200.

PG13 (or equivilent rating) language only. Everything else should be blocked out.

3)Disruptive posting
Double posts - One post deleted, usually the one with the fewest responses. User warned, second offense and all after cause a strike.

Flaming (Insulting other users) - Post deleted, one strike.

Trolling (Delibrately posting in topics to cause a flame war. i.e. saying that the GBs sucked would be considered trolling.) - Post deleted, one strike.

4)3 strikes rule
Strikes deleted after a set period. Possibly after 6 months.
Obviously, if all 3 strikes are used, then the user is banned.

5)Repeated posting, Stupid posting, ect…
Repeated posts should all be deleted. Number of strikes given is determined by number of posts.

Blatantly stupid posts should be voted on by the indivudual board's mod group to determine if and what punishment is due.

Off topic posts will be deleted and warned first offense. Second and above warrent a strike.

That's all.

by PROTON786

21 years, 7 months ago

to be honest, my language is pretty bad, but i do realize that some people my be offended by that so i try to mainly keep it off the boards for basic respect to other people, but thats really not what im hear to say. about a month ago i leaft the boards for a couple reasons, but mainly people bashing others. when i announced that i was leaving and just wanted to say good bye for now and thanks for everything even mods started to bash on me. now im back, i realized this and you should all keep this in mind, RESPECT OTHERS AND THERE OPPINIONS, WE ARE GHOSTHEADS AND WE ARE ALL HEAR BECAUSE OF THE SAME REASON, WE ALL LOVE GHOSTBUSTERS AND IF THATS NOT ENOUGH TO RESPECT SOMEONE I DONT KNOW WHAT IS.

by EvilToaster

21 years, 7 months ago

I'd also like to suggest (if not second) the concept of mod scheduling. This may seem like a bit much, but there are times when no mods are on at all; there should be some kind of weekly schedule for the mods to be online, in case a problem arises and no mods are there to handle it.

by mellie1

21 years, 7 months ago

i don't think mod scheduling would work. How can anyone guarantee that they're gonna show up for an unpaid job online….?? I love the boards and practically live here….but I don't come online at set times…and I don't think anyone else does either….we do have lives outside of here, and shit happens….no matter what we do there are going to be potential times with no mods.

When setting out these rules, for language, etc. Don't use comparisons, there should be a flat out list of what not to say…etc…yes that in itself will break the rules, but this can't be vague. Different countries, even different states/provinces have different censorship rules. I know from talking with ghostheads in the states that language on regular cable tv is censored more than it is here. And I'm sure it's different everywhere else. That's just something to keep in mind when these rules get set out for good. It would also help mods when dealing with language issues, no long explainations or arguements…just direct them to “the list”.

by EvilToaster

21 years, 7 months ago

'Twas just an idea. There is no guarantee that a person would show up for their time, but there is also no guarantee that once a person is selected to be a moderator that they would do their job. It just comes down to trust.

By the way, I like that idea of a list.

by jesusfreak1

21 years, 7 months ago

Edited to include Kingpin's and Kyle's suggestions.

1. Moderators:
a) Moderators are here to help the Community disscuss and grow.
b) If you feel a Moderator is abusing power, please do not post about it. PM the other Moderators and the Administrator(s).
c) Moderators are expected to respect members and vice versa.

2. Language:
a) Language used in the movie is ok when used in a Conservative Manner.
b) Excessive use of foul language is not ok.
c) Foul language directed at another member, with intent to hurt the other member is not ok.
d) Racial Slurrs, and other words that refer to one's race in a negative way are not allowed.
e) Words that refer to a person's sexual organs in an inappropriate manner are not allowed.

3. Conduct:
A. Users are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful manner.
a) Attacks on other users will not be tolerated.
b) Posts that consist of ALL CAPS, will be deleted.
c) Members who attempt to cause trouble for attention will not be allowed.
d) Spamming, or flooding the board with pointless topics will not be allowed.
e) Flame Wars will not be allowed. Healthy Debates are ok, but if it is to the point where you are calling each other ignorant, it is no longer a Debate.
f) Critisim is welcome, however it must be presented in a constructive manner.

4. Posting
a) A post should never consist of just a smiley, or LOL.
b) If you do not have valuable input, please do not post just to increase your post count.
c) Posts meant to cause trouble will not be tolerated.
d) Excessively Reoccuring topics will be locked and referenced back to the original.
e) No one is perfect all the time. If someone makes a mistake, do not reply and verbally insult them.
f) Posts should stay on topic. However, a post may wander off track abit and find it's way home. Just make sure you do not just go completely off topic. IE: A thread about Slimer talks about Green Peas…
g) Posts that contain Adult Content are suspect to being deleted. Please use Common sense.

5. Banning
A. Communicating with others is a privelage.
a) A user may be banned for constant violation of the rules, after ignoring constant warnings.
b) If a users has been warned by a Mod, within a set peroid of time, 3 times or more, that user should be suspended.
c) Suspended members get one last chance at retribution. If they continue to misbehave after a Suspension peroid is up, they should be banned.
d) Users coming here only to spam/attack the Community should be banned.
e) If the Members feel that a user has been banned wrongly, a vote should be held in the misc forum deciding their fate.
f) The Community Vote is final, no other chances will be allowed unless the Community decides differently.

6. Politics
a) Online Politics are not allowed. Some issues however are allowed, but belong in the Board Suggestion forum. If you feel your issue does not belong there, then it is most likely not allowed.
b) Real life politics, Elections and such, are allowed. As long as all sides present themselves in a friendly Debate fashion and do not violate the rules and start a flame war.

7. Freedom of Speech
a) As in the United States Freedom of SPeech is allowed.
- However even in the US, that freedom is limited. You cannot violate the rules of the Board. You cannot insult others.

8. Ownership
a) This board is owned by the Community. Therefore the Community should always have the final say in it's direction.
b) This board does not belong to any site, it belongs to the Community.
c) Community is defined as a group of people working together for a common purpose.

9. Status
a) All Members are equal.
b) Moderators are equal to members, they have simply been elected to help the community grow.
c) No member has more say in a matter than another member.

10. Forum Specifics
a) Posts that do not relate to the forum's topic will be deleted or moved. Whichever the situation warrants.
b) Posts violating the rules of a specific forum(IE: Comic Book and Prop forums have to watch what is said due to legal matters) will be dealt with accordingly.
A. Other Forum Specific ruules:
Misc/General Forum

1) Persons stating to be a member of a Production Crew, or to be a member of a business outside of the community must be willing to show proof to support their statements. Said member from a business should be willing to leave contact numbers to support his or her statements.

Prop Forum

1) All members who are intrested in purchasing a fan-made prop must be willing to pay a reasonable price for the item. Certain prices can be deemed ‘unreasonable’ by the seller. All members are advised to read the suggested price list in order to gain a reasonable view on prop pricing.

Paranormal Forum

1) All members are entitled to an opinion, and no-one (Unless they can proove it) is an expert on the paranormal, they cannot inform a member what can or cannot exist, they can only state what they believe does or does not exist.


Thats my two cents…..

or was it 50 Cent?

by Dr.KyleStevens

21 years, 7 months ago

JesusFreak, I like the ideas for your rules there, very good. We should also make it where the members should respect the mods for their decisions and not call them “ Nazi's” and mess such as that.

And the members should post something like “ What color socks should I buy ” or “ Everyone please read or look, I have a major question to ask” an then say “ how much wood can a woodchuck chuck ?” or doing this :-O . I personally had a problem with members doing that mess. However, The rules should based on common sence and courtesy, aswell.

Edit: The Mods should have respect for the members. I forgot to mention that.

by Kingpin

21 years, 7 months ago

Those are great rules Ron, definatly stuff that should be used here.

I have a few suggestions:

Misc/General Forum

1) Persons stating to be a member of a Production Crew, or to be a member of a business outside of the community must be willing to show proof to support their statements. Said member from a business should be willing to leave contact numbers to support his or her statements.

The Production Crew prooving who they say there are is more tricky, due to the problem that concerned Micheal C Gross's posting on GBN a while back. Can anyone suggest a way of a person who states that they're a Crew Member to be able to proove who they are?

Prop Forum

1) All members who are intrested in purchasing a fan-made prop must be willing to pay a reasonable price for the item. Certain prices can be deemed ‘unreasonable’ by the seller. All members are advised to read the suggested price list in order to gain a reasonable view on prop pricing.

Paranormal Forum

1) All members are entitled to an opinion, and no-one (Unless they can proove it) is an expert on the paranormal, they cannot inform a member what can or cannot exist, they can only state what they believe does or does not exist.