Stake Your Claim! Help Draft the GB Message Board Rules!

by Mr.No_Ghost

21 years, 7 months ago

Moderators and Board Members:
I would like to repeat a statement (not in the exact words) that Chad Paulson made not too long ago about this matter…Moderators should only have the power to keep the peace. They are the mediators and the officials of upholding justice and the law on these boards. They should have the power to ban trouble-making members…not as they see fit, but only according to the written rules of this online community. Moderators who abuse their power need to be firmly delt with by the webmaster of the site. Fair action should be taken against said moderator and should not have any effect toward other moderators of the boards unless it is absolutely necessary (ex. - The situation that occured with TexasGB and the subsequent restructuring of the moderating staff in relation to that matter).

As members of this board, we have the authority to govern ourselves. We are not children and (should) have the common sense to be mature and create a productive, supportive environment free of flame wars. Gross misuse, manipulation, or blatant disregard for the respect of others (such as and not limited to: slander, sexual harrassment, gossip, racial bigotry of any kind, verbal harrassment, gender discrimination, culture discrimination, and creed discrimination) and the rules are to be prohibited at all times. Through this, both Mods and the members of this website will be able to work together in sync to promote order and foster a fun and innovative “Ghosthead” message board experience.

Language and Censorship:
I agree that the languaged used in the movies, animated series, and the soon to be debuting comic book should be absolutely permitted. My argument in favor of this is because, as someone has already stated previously on this forum, no one under the age of 13 is permitted membership on this website. The motion pictures were rated PG-13 (both Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters 2 have since been reduced to the PG level, but at the time of their appearance, they were regarded as movies with themes suitable for mature audiences only). This website,, is a reflection of the films. That being said, all language shown in the movies and spoken specifically by the actors of the films should be allowed. (examples of words that may be permitted are: ass, hell, damn, dick, pecker, asshole, bitch, bastard, butch, minx, shit, mother pus bucket). As for other such language, certain words, phrases, or even names of body parts may be allowed. The reference to body parts is a sensitive topic. For example, toilet humor references body parts. Humor such as this can be funny, but is not permitted if it is at the cruel expense of any person on or off this website. Simply speaking, phrases or references to body parts can not be used in the form of slander or sexual harrassment. No words attributed to an R-rating are to be permitted…especially the f-word (and no it is not frick or freak)…ABSOLUTELY UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES. The freedom of speech is a priviledge earned and something that we have all since pleaded hard for. This is what it's all about, folks. Now that we have it, it is vital that members here take the mature approach and use this priviledge maturely and sparingly. (Note: All of us are bright enough to know our limitations. So, please, it is imperative that this priviledge is not abused and used in the form of verbal assault or harrassment on members of this site.)

General Conduct of Moderators and Board Members
I totally agree with everything Jesusfreak points out; he's right…

A. Users are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful manner.
a) Attacks on other users will not be tolerated.
b) Posts that consist of ALL CAPS, will be deleted.
c) Members who attempt to cause trouble for attention will not be allowed.
d) Spamming, or flooding the board with pointless topics will not be allowed.
e) Flame Wars will not be allowed. Healthy Debates are ok, but if it is to the point where you are calling each other ignorant, it is no longer a Debate.
f) Critisim is welcome, however it must be presented in a constructive manner

…and if I may add my own adjustments to this. Harrassment of members against other members of this website away from the boards where it relates to matters reflecting the message boards should have repercussions to the harassing member's board membership and privileges. For example, if so-and-so member IM's another member harrassing them about something the other member said in the message forums, then that is considered spamming and is also illegal by the laws of the United States. Yes, its true…the conduct of board participants away from the forums do have a direct relation to the wellfare of this website.


The rules of posting will be short and to the point…
1) Try to stay on topic
2) Be constructive and creative with what you post
3) No spamming
4) No creating multiple threads if someone doesn't reply to your thread immediately. Be patient and wait, someone WILL eventually respond
5) No posting pornography of any kind (yes, this means no lewd sexual acts, pictures, or movie clips)
6) If you're frustrated and want to create a topic about what's bothering you, post it in the miscellaneous forum, but do not under any circumstances use the forum to write excessive amounts of foul language, sexual rage, violent verbal outburst and so on. Please abide by the board rules and be considerate to others and mature with what you say. Chances are, if your venting ur frustrations on the boards, you're really looking for other members to respond and offer their advice. There's nothing worse than having 20 or more people ticked off by another person's verbal anger or condecending remarks.
7) Don't use any of the forums as your personal boxing ring. Don't call out other members for a streetfight. Check your attitude at the door! And if you bring your attitude past the door, you can be sure the door will slam shut on you and hit you in the (bleep!)
8) Above all, try to get along and respect each other's opinions. If you don't like what someone has to say, either please be the bigger person and say nothing or politely state your case why you disapproved of what that person said.


1) “3 strikes and your out” rule.
2) The moderator has the authority to ban an unrully member
3) The community has the final say in whether the unrully member should be permitted to stay or be banned from the website
4) A 5-day community poll should be taken to determine the fate of the unrully member's position on the board.
5) A separate forum should be created to show the polls of people who have been put on the banned list and used as the area where the board members vote to determine the unrully member's status on the board.
6) Ban first; vote second, banning fate determined last


Politics and debates on the status of are not allowed in any forum except for the Site Suggestions Forum. Anyone posting a topic complaining about the policies of the board, the mods, the webmaster, or the board members on any thread that's not in the Suggestions Forum will have their thread deleted. People, please realize that when you gripe and complain, and moan and groan about politics relating to the board…it lessens the quality of the boards and brings down the morale of the community. This is a matter of fact because we all know that is what nearly lead to the downfall of our community and contributed to the end of

by JustSomeGuy

21 years, 7 months ago

I'd just like to ask this question. Chad says this:

No politics

Everything else is fair game until the rules are finally drafted and voted

But since it's a known fact that he has been messing with private mesages, posts, and polls, how can we trust the outcome?

by back

21 years, 7 months ago

Ron, that was fantastic! i agree %100.
im gone.

by bigpapi4281

21 years, 7 months ago

the only problem i had with the old board was some of the language used to describe some of the props. someone took their time to do the best job they could and yet someone just shot them down because they didn't like it.
:@ i refer to one of my own props:

yes i know it is not 100% accurate but there is also no real ghostbusters proton pack that has come that close to being finished
having said that, i feel there was no reason that anyone should say something like that. i took great offense to that reply because i happen to work with physically and mentally handicapped children (or Retards as some would call them)\
again i am sorry for the rant, but i feel that the community should know that sopme people are just insensitive to others and are downright cruel not by their actions, but for their words.
there are other props that were built that had close to the same wording.

this is the only problem i had with the old gbnet

thanks again

by spookbuster1

21 years, 7 months ago

Oops, the guest was me, forgot to login… sorry!

by PrincessArtemis

21 years, 7 months ago

(snip) Okiday, thanky-sai Daryl

I'd also suggest that whomever is the admin or top mod actually have a firm hand and not have to call a secret meeting over every little issue. Having been a part of an MB that had an admin like that, I can say it is massively frustrating. Moderators and admins should respect one another; they have been entrusted with certain responsibilities and powers and should be allowed to use them (not abuse them) without having other mods and admins come down on them for it. However, if someone is triggerhappy, there should be discussion amongst the authorities about that.

Secret deals to allow previously permanently banned members access to the board should be strictly prohibited. Sounds silly, but it's happened elsewhere, and it causes serious distrust of the administration.

There should be a “be kind to newbies” rule. Not everyone comes on the ‘net knowing all the ins and outs of ’netiquette nor do they always come in knowing instinctively every rule nor the personalities of “oldbies”. Cruelty to newbies can drive away people who might start out annoying but grow to be respected and contributing members of the community. Everyone was a newbie once, after all.

I think most other suggestions I could make have already been made.

by DarylScoleri

21 years, 7 months ago

It's no secret. The Admins. are the people whose names are in Yellow, the mods are in bold. Also, under the link to every forum it says moderators:modoerators. you can click on that to see the list of mods.

by VaporGhost

21 years, 7 months ago

If someone is fighting on the boards and people are bothered by it, they should be banned

by EgonsBabe

21 years, 7 months ago

I believe that if you have something you want to say to someone, send it to their private message box. It shouldn't be on the boards. I mean, why air your dirty laundry in public, right?

by EvilToaster

21 years, 6 months ago

Exactly, People simply cannot grasp this concept. But it's not hard. If you have a quip, PM! Even if someone publicly spoke out against you, that does not make it ok for you to strike back publicly.