Stay puft evil??

by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 8 months ago

Just so you know this is a forum and therefore opinions are allowed cheers!!

Where did I say you weren't allowed to have your opinion?

You stated your opinion, and I stated my differing opinion.

Don't confuse me making my opposing points as saying you're not allowed to have your opinion.

Ok? Cheers.

by devilmanozzy1

14 years, 8 months ago

As noted already in this thread there are two canons and they do not see eye to eye on what Stay Puft is.

First the Film Canon:
Stay Puft is a form of Gozer I'm taking it. So really whatever you feel about gozer is what you should feel about Stay Puft. He is pure evil. If gozer had chose a form of a cockroach, would that change a thing for you?! His return in GB:TVG also was as gozer I'm taking it, tho at best its a guess. Still grasping the game on that subject, but anyways he was evil and was attacking them in the video game.

Second the Animated Canon:
The cartoon series does not follow the rules of the movie canon. I'd go so far as to say the movie may not count in total form, as Take Two suggests that the film was “based” on their adventures which leaves room for changes. Stay Puft in the cartoon is not even close to what we know him as in the film canon, he is like a big Kid, not much of a brain but kind. Even in “Cry Uncle” he wasn't really that bad. I'd argue that the cartoon doesn't even view the movie as straight canon as noted in this post already. To those always saying that the cartoon messed up Stay Puft, all I can say is its not the same Canon, and what happens in the film canon doesn't necessary apply to the cartoons. They are different. Like Slimer Stay Puft has little in common with his movie counter part. Stop mixing them up. Just a guess, but I'm thinking gozer in the animated series may have remain separate form and Stay Puft may have been made by Gozer. Thats only a guess and should not be treated as fact.

by Nix

14 years, 8 months ago

Uh…correct me if I'm wrong, Devilman, but in RGB, wasn't Mr. Stay-Puft ‘reconstituted’ within the Containment Unit from ghosts and marshmallow fluff? As far as I recall, the RGB Stay-Puft lacked the “Gozer the Destructor” part that made him evil. He's still destructive, but this is more a result of his size and ungainliness.

by DocFritz

14 years, 8 months ago

Uh…correct me if I'm wrong, Devilman, but in RGB, wasn't Mr. Stay-Puft ‘reconstituted’ within the Containment Unit from ghosts and marshmallow fluff? As far as I recall, the RGB Stay-Puft lacked the “Gozer the Destructor” part that made him evil. He's still destructive, but this is more a result of his size and ungainliness.

Technically, that's only a fan speculation. One that I like a lot, since I was the one who came up with it, but at the end of the day it's only that–speculation. The show itself never explained the Stay Puft in the Containment Unit, and why it acted so differently than the one in the movie, which was definitely Gozer.

by Nix

14 years, 8 months ago

Doc Fritz;161615
Technically, that's only a fan speculation. One that I like a lot, since I was the one who came up with it, but at the end of the day it's only that–speculation. The show itself never explained the Stay Puft in the Containment Unit, and why it acted so differently than the one in the movie, which was definitely Gozer.

Oh, I think it's pretty well established in “Revenge of Murray the Mantis” (the first episode I ever saw, so I'll keep mentioning it ‘til my head explodes). Egon opens the ECU, and Stay-Puft comes out.

PETER: We released the big guy.
DET. BULLOCK*: The Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man? Are you freaks nuts? Don’t you remember what happened the last time he was here?
PETER: Yeah, but he's all better now…we think.

(*I don't know this guy's official name, so I'm calling him “Bullock” because that's what he looks and sounds like.)

by Kingpin

14 years, 8 months ago

Officer Frump, although really he's a Detective.