Step Down From Your Positions

by ajquick1

21 years, 4 months ago

I'm asking that every moderator on this site publicly steps down from their positions. That's you:

Icer Rose

How can you 7 individuals continue to work under a person who does nothing for you? Someone who gives you the short end of the stick and no powers. One who leaves you to run the site for him so he can get the credit when advertisers, and companies come along. You are the back bone of the site, without you it will fall.

Back, I have much respect for you, you have always stuck it out like everyone should have, but it maybe time to call it quits.. you have a wife, and a life now more so than ever.

Castewar, you and Chad have been friends for a long time, but there once was a time when he was out to get you. I'm surpised you have been so open to giving him your content for GBN… he is trying to make you obsolete like so many others. He would have tried to coax your news stories from you more, if I hadn't interveined by posting about him trying to take over the community back in 1999-2000.

Icer, come on man! He gave the site to you and took it back!

RoS, I dunno.. jump on the band wagon!

SoulWrangler, I have no idea who you are.. but maybe you just haven't been here long enough to see how Chad really is. (I don't know who you are really, what was your screen name on GBN?)

TexasGB, for some reason Chad has been nice to you, but really it is just so he doesn't have to worry about anything. You are dependable, but what will happen when everyone else calls it quits, including Chad and your the last one left behind?

Bondo Bandit, Like SoulWrangler, I don't know who you are. I don't read here that often but you seemed like a new member to me.. but you were venkmangb1a or something on GBN? I don't remember… but anyways..

Moderators Quit!

by Shadow_weaveR

21 years, 4 months ago

aj this is a moot point man, the fact of the matter is we do need moderators, if they quit then kaos will most certainly happen, thats the last thing this community needs, plus I doubt any of them save one would actually quit.

by boholbrook1

21 years, 4 months ago

The community isn't this website Weaver. People have a CHOICE. They can go to NetSolo's board. Why is it you parade his link around in your sig and then say such an asinine thing like the community would fall apart if this board ALONE fell into chaos. Are you on the side of whoever holds the most stroke or what? Because you sure do jump from side to side alot man. You're never in the middle you're either EXTREMELY to one side or the other. No Middle man.

Also, AJ makes an excellent point. The mods around here never get enough credit. It's always “Chad does this, and Chad does that” when Chad is never even around anymore except for the 5 minutes it takes to make a post that reassures the community that everything will be fine so long as the stay patient because his real life takes SOOO MUCH time away from him. As I said, if the guy's real life keeps him from working on this site that much his should have stayed retired.

Also, Why the hell is EVERYONE using the word moot so much on these boards nowadays. I don't care if it's a real word or not it's stupid. It's like 1 person used the word back in the day then the whole lot of you jumped on it in an attempt to make yourselves look smarter. It's a DUMB sounding word.


by Shadow_weaveR

21 years, 4 months ago

im not on any side holbrook im on the community's side, I “parade” nets link around because I happen to like that site and I want to support Net. if you have a problem with that then oh well I cant please everyone.

by boholbrook1

21 years, 4 months ago

If you support the community then you should KNOW the community wouldn't die if this site was thrust into Chaos. People would just go to Solo's board.

by Shadow_weaveR

21 years, 4 months ago

not all. I definantly think this sites closing would hurt the community, theres nothing wrong with this board, it just needs new management.

by texasgb1

21 years, 4 months ago

I would like to respond to this topic with the viewpoint of a long time mod with Chads site. First of all I am very happy working as a mod for chad, as most mods seem to be. This thread is being responded to by people who are not mods here so I dont see how they would know if mods were happy or not. Chad has been very supportive of us and I will serve as long as he needs me. Secondly, GBN is a very big part of the community. As you all know it was Chad who got the dialogue started with 88 mph and this community. GBN is not thw whole community but we should give it the recognition that it deserves.

by jesusfreak1

21 years, 4 months ago

Red Ketchup came to GBN and made a post…then Chad contacted him Tex…but that's beside the point.

I WAS a mod under Chad, and the way I remebered it we had compliants day in and out Tex, I have an inbox full of messages complaining about how we didn't have tools…..

by toygeek1

21 years, 4 months ago

Do you guys really have so little else to do that you have to waste all this time pissing in other people's corn flakes?

I mean really, if the mods are unhappy, they'll step down on their own, or they'll take the opportunity to try and affect positive change. If they ARE happy, then all you're accomplishing by posting things like this is solidifying their position by making them publicly defend it.

Why is it that this place just HAS to have so much drama? It's a damn message board, for crying out loud. Buncha friggin' drama queens…


21 years, 4 months ago

I think the mods should step down out of principle. By all rights, they should not be mods anymore, because the voting should have taken place by now.