I know that I'm not a member of some stature, but I have something to say, take it or leave it.
What gives anyone the authority to order people around in a fan community?
I know that there are many scenarios, and such, things dealing with leadership, someone to head up or guide the community.
but here's the thing: People have LIVES, they have a need to support families, and live life. It takes money to do this, sadly. And that means that people like Chad will not have time to commit to
Ghostbusters.net AROUND THE CLOCK. There is also the fact that sitting in front of a computer all the time is very harmful to your body. You need exercise. You need to actually move around.
Not only that, but there is something called sleep.
Plus, sure Columbia Pictures owns the rights to Ghostbusters, etc. So if there is anything with legal troubles, then there must be a speaker for the community. This shouldn't be someone that is VOTED in, or elected. This should be someone that's been involved for a long time, and knows legalistics, i.e. Chad.
This is a FAN community, it's time to face up, shut up, and realize that things will never be perfect. ever. If they were, then in MY perfect world,
Ghostbusters.net would still be a good working forum, maybe cleaned up a bit and modeled more like it was when first opening, and people were courteous, even if they've talked something to death.
Let's not be stupid ignorant neanderthals and realize that we are INTELLIGENT, and if not, then we should leave, not ask others to leave.
Let's show some maturity and realize that we don't have all the control that we'd like to have.
Good day.