Step Down From Your Positions

by back

21 years, 4 months ago

I do my job and i do it well. self satisfaction that other ghostheads can share there ideas and dreams in peace is all i need. I enjoy pointing members in the right direction, to post in the right forums, etc. As many have said in this post - GB is my fave movie. Well its my personal obsession. I have no intention of stepping down just because i dont recive the odd “thank you”.
im gone.

by boholbrook1

21 years, 4 months ago

Back that is a load of CRAP. You're a moderator cause it covers your own ass buddy. I mean no offense to you but you're one of the most corrupt moderators here next to TexasGB. Need I remind the people about how you and TexasGB threatened to BAN members because they spoke out about your toilet humor. Yeah you're really in it for ANYONE but yourself.

by boholbrook1

21 years, 4 months ago

Also, Bondo is an idiot who has no business being a moderator.

by wingsnut25

21 years, 4 months ago

Bo and AJ, I dont think personal attacks whill help with your cause,

it just makes it look like your case inst strong enough so you are digging for more dirt….

I agree with a lot of AJ's original arguments, but this isnt the proper way to go about things…

by boholbrook1

21 years, 4 months ago

I personally attacked Bondo because he's an idiot.

Other than that my post about back WASN'T a personal attack it was the truth. Back is only a moderator to cover his own ass. So long as he's a mod he's got free license to post whatever toilet humor, dirty jokes, or just generally stupid shit he wants with no reprecussion. When some of us actually tried to come to him and be like “Hey man, it's not funny you need to stop” He and TexasGB started threatening to ban a few members for speaking about Back's stupid posts. You cannot honestly sit there and say thats proper behavior for 2 mods.

I'm not trying to piss back off with this BTW, His post was just a load of bullshit though.


21 years, 4 months ago

shut the hell up bo , i'm so sick of your whining . why do you feel the need to come on here ? i thought your new board had everything you wanted , i guess the only thing it doesn't have is a chad for you to complain about non stop .don't you have anything better to do ? i sure as hell hope so , because if the only motivating force in your life is to compain about the guy that runs a ghostbusters website ,the site it's self , it's members and to call me an idiot then you have a pretty sad life , and in my book that makes you the idiot pal .