A Glow Coppter, yes thats right I am still looking for one and havnt found one, If you have one I will pay alot of money if you wish to sell it to me…
by Ghostbuster_D
21 years, 7 months ago
Asking here is the wrong thing to do. Asking a bunch of ghostbusters fans to sell you one of the most valuable GB items isn't really gonna get you that item. Also, how high are you willing to go?
by PeterVenkmen
21 years, 7 months ago
That's a valuble item? Hm…learn something everyday.
by brian_reilly
21 years, 7 months ago
The Glow Copter is valuable to Ghostbusters collectors, but not really of much concern to collectors in general. It would be wise to look for one at a local comic or toy convention
by slimerboy
21 years, 7 months ago
talk to hollywoodheroes, he deals with all kinds of ghostbusters collectables
by erikghostbuster
21 years, 7 months ago
Good luck man I really want one of those too. Yeah I asked someone too and they wont sell one to me. :u :f . That would probably start about $500 or more for one.
by OddTodd
21 years, 7 months ago
He, I found one with all its pieces and a beat up box for $2.25 at a local thrift store…
by ghostbuster11
21 years, 7 months ago
Could you upload some pictures of it and place it on your server. Could you also link us directly to it. I need to see this one, I've only seen a picture on the backside of my two RGB MOC ECTO-GLOW heroes (I have Egon and Winston) but I thought the Chopter didn't made it to the shelves. Except for a few of them