Thanks to Chad's great push for GBN merchendise, and ASAP have their shirt coming out, im starting my own store, with my own line of Ghostbusters mechendise.
so far, i have 2 shirts, and a coffee mug. my white tee shirt is a parodie of the VW New Beetle commercials, with the guys standing in front of Ecto-1, and a caption that says, “Ghosts Wanted”. my ash gray shirt has a modified picture of the Ghost Trap open, and the caption says, “Don't Look Directly Into The Trap!” and finally, I have a large coffee mug that has the Ecto-1 licence plate on it.
i figured id tell everyone this so they be ready to check it out. and also, Chad, when you get that Ghost Trap pic up for the shirt, i already have, “Don't Look Into The Trap” taken. just an FYI.+