by Chad

22 years, 11 months ago

Hey Guys,

Just to give everyone a heads up, the following items are Limited Edition and will only by sold through the end of March.

Mini Basketball Hoops
Baseball Jerseys
GB GRRRL Plush Bunny
Tile Coaster (For Your Budwieser or Ecto Cooler)

by Ecto-Jedi

22 years, 11 months ago

Aw man, only a few more weeks to nab a jersey… those look great. Only problem is, can't chose which art to slap on it! Only one choice is way too hard… smile

Why couldn't you make a ghost trap graphic, with like “They be slow!” or “It's in there.” as a caption, I'd buy that in a heartbeat.

But for the jersey I'm leaning more toward the unit, man, or proton.

Eh, shouldn't the audience be shouting out suggestions now?

My question to you Chad, are you planning on expanding the line? Off to a great start.

by Chad

22 years, 11 months ago

Expanding the line is in the works. I love your trap idea. I'm going to try and throw that together by the end of the week. Thanks for the suggestions, the more the merrier!

by Earthquake

22 years, 11 months ago

I'm so happy, I could jump around so hard I will register on the Richter Scale.

by Earthquake

22 years, 11 months ago

Great stuff, Chad. I just wish I had money to buy all of this stuff.

by Specter

22 years, 11 months ago

I want a shirt that says “Back off man, I'm a Scientist” on it.

by Ectodude

22 years, 11 months ago

Thanks to Chad's great push for GBN merchendise, and ASAP have their shirt coming out, im starting my own store, with my own line of Ghostbusters mechendise.

so far, i have 2 shirts, and a coffee mug. my white tee shirt is a parodie of the VW New Beetle commercials, with the guys standing in front of Ecto-1, and a caption that says, “Ghosts Wanted”. my ash gray shirt has a modified picture of the Ghost Trap open, and the caption says, “Don't Look Directly Into The Trap!” and finally, I have a large coffee mug that has the Ecto-1 licence plate on it.

i figured id tell everyone this so they be ready to check it out. and also, Chad, when you get that Ghost Trap pic up for the shirt, i already have, “Don't Look Into The Trap” taken. just an FYI.+

by Badgermattuk

22 years, 11 months ago

I would just like to say how Bloody brilliant the Merchandise is!, I like the Ecto stuff.

But to show how good it is, while i was looking at the GB Gurl stuff, my girlfriend noticed the GB girl purple stuff and now really wants a GB gurl T-shirt!
And now about 4 of her friends want one! Your off to a winner here Chad!

Good work! smile

by Earthquake

22 years, 11 months ago

Chad, make yo-yos, please!

by Kingpin

22 years, 11 months ago

How about a picture with Winston and Ray, the caption “When you're asked if you're a God you say YES!”

Or “Are you a God?” with the Gozer Chick on the front.