by SpiffSupreme

22 years, 11 months ago

Not that I'd know about this sort of thing, but wouldn't Chad need consent from Sony (or whoever owns the rights to the Ghostbusters nowadays) in order to pull lines from the movie?

by Ecto-Jedi

22 years, 11 months ago

Exact quote, yes, I would think.

Changing a word or two would work. I meean it worked for the RGB anyways wink

Also, Chad, I think you should keep the jerseys if at all possible, I mean thats all I'd buy the shirts in that form. I think they'd sell pretty well too. And if not, try to have that trap done by the end of March! j/k. Take your time, we know it'll rock…

by Earthquake

22 years, 11 months ago

To Chad:

I have an idea, but I won't be mad if you reject it, try building a remote control ecto-mobile, with working sirens and the logo.

by MasterSpider

22 years, 11 months ago

How about a Slimer design?

by MasterSpider

22 years, 11 months ago

I just thought of why there isn't one, it's a copyrighted character. It's unfortunate that the symbol can't be used because of copyright. But, oh well, maybe some day. That's the only down side I see. I think I'm going with the GB silhouette for my hoodie.

by Ghostbuster_D

22 years, 11 months ago

I think a good idea would be, since you can't use the no ghost logo, to just put the red circle with a diagonal line on the doors of the ecto design. Also, i would suggest losing the shadows on the Ecto. smile

by Chad

22 years, 11 months ago

Thanks for all the suggestions guys. I'm going to consider each one. As far as other merchandise goes, cafepress (the company that is priting the shirts), has full control of what merch they sell. That is why some of the items are limited edition. I'm working with them to get black shirts, however I need to bulk order them myself so they would be a pretty large investment on my part. I need to make sure there is enough demand for them, so I will wait a few months and see how the new designs take.

The store is not meant to compete with existing Ghostbusters merchandise at all. The GBN store is something that is totally unique and different from anything else out there. It is up and running to give ghostheads an alternative to the everyday GB merchandise that is out there. A new spin on the franchise, a representation of this great online community, etc.

I think people that have a problem with the store focus on the fact that it “doesn't look GB enough”. Well… that's the whole point. The store has it's own branding (alongside with GBN of course) and it's own products. I'm not in the business of using someone else's brand to print shirts on. If I was, I would be spending my career on the corner of a busy New York city street selling pirated DVD's, homebrew GB logo shirts, etc.

Keep your suggestions coming. So far I'm going to move forward with the trap idea.

by Dr.Spengler

22 years, 11 months ago

This is quite impressive, Chad.
I noticed how the merchandise has a GBN spin on it. It looks really cool.
I like the choices. Keep ‘em coming.

You said that the Hoodie is Limited Edition. Will the Hoodie be back someday? I won’t be able to get it before the sales for the Limited Edition end.

Great work, Chad. Keep up the good work.


by Ecto-Jedi

22 years, 11 months ago

Yes, Yes, good question. Will we see the limited edition things back someday? I too, cannot pull the funds this quick with all that is busying my life.

I would buy next to all black shirts too. I mean, grey and white is a little boring these days, tis why I liked the jersey.

But you can put me down for order numero uno for that trap, if we have the same ideas brewing, that'll be the greatest one wink

by Chad

22 years, 11 months ago

As I stated before, the merchandise is dictated by Cafepress, not me. They determine what merchandise gets sold, not me. I can't control that the items are limited edition. They do.