
by Bboyrd

21 years, 8 months ago

I would like to see a story in the new comic where the boys in grey slugged it out with some zombies! I know that zombies are definitely not ghosts, but I think it would still be interesting to see the Ghostbusters battle zombies in a issue or two. Maybe a story like this could be a one shot deal.What stories would you guys like to see in the new comic series?

by DocRyedale

21 years, 8 months ago

Well, for Monsters/Creatures, I'd like to see: Yeti, Sasquatch, Gremlins, Demons, Goblins, Zombies, Vampires, Werewolves, Witches, Warlocks, Wizards, etc.

But not all the time, though. Like what you said, it would be a one shot deal. They said the Comic will have more Ghosts than Monsters, and that's fine with me. Just as long as we get to see them slug it out with some Monsters every now and then. :s :d

by Bboyrd

21 years, 8 months ago

What about a story where the guys took on Satan himself. It would be something that we have never seen them fight before. GB3 probably won't get made, so they could adapt the story for the comic. This would still have Peter, Ray, Egon, and Winston as the protagonists of course! I figure that if Arnold and Keanu could do battle with the King of Darkness, why not the Ghostbusters! Their story would definitely be more interesting

by DocRyedale

21 years, 8 months ago

That sounds pretty interesting. But a Comic adaptation of GB III probably wouldn't happen for a while. At least a couple years. I still want to see EXACT adaptations of both GB Movies (With deleted scenes in the order where they belong.), and that Alternate Universe idea that I posted. A GB III adaptation would have to take place at least several years after a GB II adaptation (Not necessarily “years” in our time, but in theirs. ).

The Guys going up against Satan would be interesting. I guarentee it would be far harder for them to battle (And defeat.) him, than their battles with Gozer and Vigo. Satan isn't just some Sumerian God, some Tyrant, or your average Class VII, he's Satan. He's been around far longer (Since before the beginning of time.), and he's far more powerful than any other entity they've ever encountered before. It would take them a tremendous effort, and a whole lot of help to defeat him. That's one of the things that would make it so interesting. They've probably need to train/mentor a new team (Forbid the Extreme Ghostbusters! ), and an ocean of Positively Charged Mood Slime to do it.

Of course, they could always try negotiating. Or maybe not. . .

by Bboyrd

21 years, 8 months ago

It would be great to see adaptations of GB1 and GB2 in comic form :d I really hope they do it. GB1 could be told as a year one story in maybe a mini series format. It would also be good to see the deleted scenes intact in the adaptations. Can you imagine the battle with Mr. Stay Puft in comic form!? That would look awesome :0

by NewRecruit

21 years, 8 months ago

That's what I hated the most in the Real Ghostbusters. The ghost looked more like monsters. I hope they'll do some work on the spirit side. Its like the ghosbusters contest where you had the chance to win original sketch. Its not my taste.

Well, ghostbusters is a world where unusual thing appens. So I think they'll do vampire, zombies and monsters and stuff like that >sigh