Stupid Horror Movies

by BigMac

17 years, 4 months ago

Because Halloween is near there has been a number of scary/horror movies on T.V. lately. I don’t usually watch many movies but I seen one that was so dumb I just had to post this.

The movie was called Rest Stop and it was filled with so much stupid stuff. The main idea of the movie was that a girl stops at this rest stop to pee but when she comes back out of the bathroom her boyfriend and car are gone. So she’s walking around this little rest stop trying to find someone to help her. It’s like what are you retarded? Just walk up the little dirt path to the road and wave down a passing car for help.

Another dumb scene was when a cop came to help her and she pointed out this guy that’s been trying to kill her so the cop walks up to the guy and asks him what he is doing and the guy tells the cop that he is lost and just driving around the area and the cop just goes oh, ok. Like that would happen in real life, “Officer that guy tried to kill me” “Did you just try to kill her” “No officer I’m just lost and driving around” “Oh ok that’s fine”.

Do any of you know of horror movies that the main character does so much stupid stuff that it’s just a joke?

I hate horror movies where the main character has a gun and their shooting at the evil person but they keep missing and then run out of bullets. Makes me just want to say damn idiot aim the gun before you shot.

by 9sam11

17 years, 4 months ago

yea i know what your talking about, those movies piss me off lol.

Sometimes its funny though.

by BigMac

17 years, 4 months ago

You can tell if a horror movie is stupid by putting yourself in the other person’s position and seeing if there is a simple way to get out. Only movies where the person is totally screwed are the good ones.

But yes it is funny sometimes to see the people do dumb stuff.

I noticed too in dumb horror movies people always get all bloody for nothing. Like in Rest Stop the cop gets hit by a truck and it shows him all covered in blood after. He basically bounced off the truck and fell in the dirt now there is blood coming out of his mouth and stuff from that, that’s bull crap.

I swear in future horror movies they will show people covered in blood from simply tripping and felling on the ground.

by pantshater24

17 years, 4 months ago

children of the living dead: worst movie ever

by missygirl8520001

17 years, 4 months ago

children of the living dead: worst movie ever

Really? What was the movie about? (*ray)

by BigMac

17 years, 4 months ago

I just watched Freddy vs. Jason yesterday night.

I think it’s dumb how when Freddy and Jason push or throw each other they fly really far distances, just looks so fake and stupid.

by pantshater24

17 years, 4 months ago

children of the living dead: worst movie ever

Really? What was the movie about? (*ray)

it about Abbott Hayes from the original Night of the living dead, but done so horribly that a homemade film has a higher production value than this. if you must watch it check out fearnet it has it on there.

by misfit1

17 years, 4 months ago

children of the living dead: worst movie ever

Really? What was the movie about? (*ray)

it about Abbott Hayes from the original Night of the living dead, but done so horribly that a homemade film has a higher production value than this. if you must watch it check out fearnet it has it on there.

Man, that movie is terrible


I think it’s dumb how when Freddy and Jason push or throw each other they fly really far distances, just looks so fake and stupid.

…Urm..What? It's fantasy..It's supposed to be fake. It's a fun movie.

by pantshater24

17 years, 4 months ago

children of the living dead: worst movie ever

Really? What was the movie about? (*ray)

it about Abbott Hayes from the original Night of the living dead, but done so horribly that a homemade film has a higher production value than this. if you must watch it check out fearnet it has it on there.

Man, that movie is terrible


I think it’s dumb how when Freddy and Jason push or throw each other they fly really far distances, just looks so fake and stupid.

…Urm..What? It's fantasy..It's supposed to be fake. It's a fun movie.

yes, yes it was. i lost 84 min of my life to that movie. there wasn't even any gore… and it's a zombie movie

by misfit1

17 years, 4 months ago

kidnapping children…digging up…

You know what. Screw you man. Screw you. You made me THINK about that movie.