Stupid Horror Movies

by heslimedme251

17 years, 4 months ago

Now I thought 1408 was a decent flick. But loving the short story by Stephen King probably gave me some bias! I agree that it could've been better and that some things were a little silly, but watching this guy lose his mind is somewhat interesting and frightening(ish)!

Stupid Horror Movies:
Final Destination Trilogy (god how I loathe these films)
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (remake)
Hills Have Eyes 1 & 2 (remakes)
they all had them, “why the hell would you do that if you wanted to live” moments!

by Kingpin

17 years, 4 months ago

Final Destination Trilogy (god how I loathe these films)

I enjoyed the Final Destination trilogy, but I fully accept that the sequels have never lived up to how good the original was. Before it became a slasher genre through the two sequels the first film had set up an interesting premise.

I even thought the explanation for the deaths in the second was neat, that those people would've died had it not been for the first collection of people dying in the first movie.

But yeah, the sequels just paled in comparison.

Anyone here seen Return to the House on Haunted Hill yet? Sure looks like an awful sequel to an enjoyable horror movie.

by Son_Of_Venkman

17 years, 4 months ago

can't say that i have.

“The Entity” is based on the alleged real life story of Carla Moran (played by Barbara Hershey), a single mother who claimed to have been sexually tormented by a ghost for much of her adult life. Despite that trashy sounding synopsis, it was actually a fairly well done film that tried to treat its subject with dignity and sensitivity, which is more than you can say for most horror films. So I thought I'd offer it as an example of an intelligent or at least well made horror film.

As for “Final Destination”, well, it was an interesting idea, if nothing else. I haven't seen the 3rd one yet. Watching the deleted scenes & alternate ending for the first FD, I definitely prefer the original ending (which I won't describe here for those who don't want spoilers of the DVD) since it felt less like a typical “horror movie ending”.

by pantshater24

17 years, 4 months ago

well i just back from watching unearthed (one of the horrorfest movies) and it was terrible. it was a combination of aliens, pumpkinhead, and tremors. the cgi used for the creature looked like something a high school student could make. the only redeeming part of the movie was Charlie murphy was in it (though i think half of the movie's budget went to having him in the movie) man i want my 7.50 back…

by BigMac

17 years, 4 months ago

I never seen Saw so I have no idea what’s it about but from the commercials on T.V. it looked like nothing more but a torture movie. Which made my wonder if any of you found it weird how people like to see people tortured? I mean sure a horror movie sometimes needs some violence to keep you on the edge of your seat but come on nonstop gore for the whole movie is just wrong.

Especially how in the commercials it showed people having figures cut off and drills put throw their body, that’s just nasty, not scary just nasty.

I hate horror movies that feature endless torture but everyone else thinks it’s great, no torture is not great.

by imported_Ghoulishfright

17 years, 4 months ago

Now I thought 1408 was a decent flick. But loving the short story by Stephen King probably gave me some bias! I agree that it could've been better and that some things were a little silly, but watching this guy lose his mind is somewhat interesting and frightening(ish)!

Stupid Horror Movies:
Final Destination Trilogy (god how I loathe these films)
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (remake)
Hills Have Eyes 1 & 2 (remakes)
they all had them, “why the hell would you do that if you wanted to live” moments!

I have to disagree here, and sort of reiterate what Kingpin say, and defend Final Destination. Unlike the bogus aforementioned remakes, Final Destination was pretty damn original, and a good movie. A GREAT movie! The characters may have been cliche & throwaway for the most part (save Devon Sawa), but if you weren't squirming in your seat for at least half that film, then you are one desensitized person! I'm extremely desensitized, and I found that movie beyond suspensful for the sheer plausability of it. It's so easy for a person to die, given the right circumstances, if you're not careful. Such deaths occur every day. Life is fragile, fleeting, and brutal; and I can't think of a better “slasher”-type film that illustrates this.

I also feel that Final Destination 2's death sequences were largely even more stomach-churning and tense, although the film as a whole is certainly not as good. And yes, Final Destination 3 was utter crap, I'll give you that.

by Zedd

17 years, 3 months ago

I know this is an old thread but horror movies never grow old

Resident Evil 2
Burial Ground
30 Days Of Night
Hills Have Eyes remake 2
The Tripper
Cannibal Man

However I have to say I recently saw Bloodsucking Freaks and WOW I loved every woman hating, sexist, violent weird minute of it!

by BigMac

17 years, 3 months ago

I just watched another horror movie it was called “Dark Ride”. I always watch the horror movies on the Sci Fi channel which Sci Fi plays some pretty stupid horror movies.

Dark Ride was okay I guess but the ending was really cheap. They show the main evil character who is a psychopathic killer have his mask taken off but don’t show his face. I think that’s pretty damn dumb to not even show what the guy looked like.

by misfit1

17 years, 3 months ago

I also have to defend Final Destination, it was pretty much the only movie from the “teen horror” years that is actually still quite watchable, alongside jeepers creepers.

by BigMac

17 years, 3 months ago

Oh yeah I did see the last 30 minutes of Final Destination 2 a few days ago. Because I only watched the last little bit of the movie I can’t say much about it but the scene where that lady got her head caught in the elevator door was kind of weird. I mean she could have just stood sill and let the guy behind her untangle her hair from what he was holding but no she had to freak out and step out of the elevator and then the door closed on her neck.