Submited for the approval of the Midnight Society, I call this post. "Three Suggestions"

by PeterKong

21 years, 12 months ago

I reinterate. Add a fan fiction section please.

by venkmanfan49

21 years, 12 months ago

hehehe, we have a fan fiction section . Lol, you mean fan art?? If thats so then river_of_slime site, is basically the fan art site.


by PeterKong

21 years, 12 months ago

Oops, yeah

said the wrong word. Fan art is a must! If we have fan fiction, there's no reason why we can't have fan art.

by SadEmoKid

21 years, 12 months ago

I have to agree. Filmations Ghostbusters are part of our past, if for no other reason that giving us the “Real Ghostbusters.” I grew up watching both, and I think a section devoted to them would be pretty cool. It's one of those, if you don't like it, don't visit it things. Some people don't like the EGB, so they don't go to that section. I think, the bigger the site, the better.

by MasterSpider

21 years, 12 months ago

Ehh, dunno if I agree with the FGB's being part of our past, but I agree with a Fan Art section…

by DocEggman

21 years, 12 months ago

I still can't figure out what “The Midnight Society” is.

by PeterKong

21 years, 12 months ago

Well Eggman, or Robotnik. The Mighnight Society was a group of kids who told ghost stories by camp fire every weekend on Snick (Nickelodeon). The show was called “Are You Afraid of the Dark?” One of my all time favorite shows.

by DocEggman

21 years, 11 months ago

Thank you for clearing that up, Mr. Kong. And by the way, who is this Robotnik?

There is no Robotnik, only Eggman!

by PeterKong

21 years, 11 months ago

Robotnik is the American name for Dr. Eggman.



Mega Man/Rockman
Proto Man/Blues (also known as Break Man)

Name changes exist in many video games. Especially ones originating in the 80's and early 90's. How old are you and what country are you from, that would explain why you don't recognize the name, Robotnik.

by Shadow_weaveR

21 years, 11 months ago

Yeah im for a fan art section…