
by newrecruit1

17 years, 1 month ago

It's weird, it's a message board, a place where people communicate their ideas, saying that it's not important to know when someone add/changed/deleted something make it sounds like nobody is realy interested in what the others has to say.

But, well, considering how many time I can edit my own message just because of my english, it's probably better to keep things the way they are :p

by fome

17 years, 1 month ago

NewRecruit you are the best dude

by gbmasterman

17 years, 1 month ago

It's weird, it's a message board, a place where people communicate their ideas, saying that it's not important to know when someone add/changed/deleted something make it sounds like nobody is realy interested in what the others has to say.

Ok… so what is important about knowing whether or not someone edited their post?

by newrecruit1

17 years, 1 month ago

I leave the answer to you (*egon)

by gbmasterman

17 years, 1 month ago

No. It's a message board, a place where people communicate their ideas, so elaborate on your idea and why it would help.

by newrecruit1

17 years, 1 month ago

:-) (^_^) :-) (^_^) :-) (^_^) :-)

Oooo-k, someone deleted/changed/added info about whatever in a subject you like (let's say the “marketplace”; money and objects seduce people soo much). But the edited button “mute” that change, giving you 50% of chance to believe that there's none. Some people will click, some won't. That change could be made when you thought everything was said.

There's also the fact that the board rules like to keep things clean, I mean not having a reply after the other from the same person.

And, like I said :-)

considering how many time I can edit my own message just because of my english, it's probably better to keep things the way they are :p

Oh, well, I had nothing more interesting to do :p

by fome

17 years, 1 month ago

you still the best bro

by gbmasterman

17 years, 1 month ago

Oooo-k, someone deleted/changed/added info about whatever in a subject you like (let's say the “marketplace”; money and objects seduce people soo much). But the edited button “mute” that change, giving you 50% of chance to believe that there's none. Some people will click, some won't. That change could be made when you thought everything was said.

There's also the fact that the board rules like to keep things clean, I mean not having a reply after the other from the same person.

Not trying to be a douche at all in this thread but… huh?

by Kingpin

17 years, 1 month ago

It's weird, it's a message board, a place where people communicate their ideas, saying that it's not important to know when someone add/changed/deleted something make it sounds like nobody is realy interested in what the others has to say.

But, well, considering how many time I can edit my own message just because of my english, it's probably better to keep things the way they are :p


If it's really important, do what I do and add:


-preceeding any new content, or put it on the end if you've revised a post.

You can even add the date and time if you really want to.

by newrecruit1

17 years, 1 month ago

Oh I already do that (the edit thing) but like I said

it's probably better to keep things the way they are