suggestion regarding message board

by Tsmola

22 years ago

can you please work with your settings and make it so that after 15-40 replies to a topic or so it starts a new page that can be clicked on, all the posts on a single page take longer to load, at the moement it's taking about 4 min for the It's coming post made by Red Ketchup to load, could you please do this for those of us ghostheads still on phone lines?

by Shadow_weaveR

22 years ago

ouch, Cable my friend Cable….


22 years ago

Its not as easy to fix thsi problem as it may seem. Chad wrote this entire board code himself….Its not a settings issue.

Besides, posts that long are very rare.

by Ectoman

22 years ago

Yeah Ron… it is very hard.

by Zack

22 years ago

Good things come to those who wait, or at least they're counting on it…hehe as far as I can tell, you're not missing much in the “It's Coming” thread. What's making up the majorty of the posts and taking it so long to load is everyone's rampant speculation on something that solid info hasn't even been given on…


by Tsmola

22 years ago

I would love to get cable or dsl but it's not available in my area. This entire code was wrote by Chad? It appears to be an older version of invision board or some other similar board. btw you guys say posts like the It's coming post are rare here? well that's lucky at a message board I visit last night we had a post that went from 10 replies in the morning to 333 at 12:30 last night, to 444 this morning.

by Chad

22 years ago

Yep this is all written by me from scratch. The design is based on both the UBB and VBullitien boards that are out there though so it's easy to use. But the codebase is totally original which allows me to intigrate everything with easy.

Needless to say, I fixed your problem. However it is ironic that I just read this post after I fixed it. In any case, I hope you can browse the boards easier now.

by Tsmola

22 years ago

I see, Chad excellent board choices to model this one off of too I might add. I also see you have made it so we can have custom avators now, sweet keep up the nice work smile

by abbeyroad79

22 years ago

Does anyone know the paranormal society Dan Aykroyd belongs to? I would love to check it out!!


by Shadow_weaveR

22 years ago

lol why would you post that here?