Suggestions on another game. Skanker you there?

by 9sam11

15 years, 7 months ago

RGB game would never happen. Making a game based on a incredibly successful film makes sense, but making a game based on the cartoon based on that film wouldn't sell as good and it will never happen. It would be awesome, but the best we could hope for is some RGB ghosts or something.

I think the next one looks like it will be the rookie taking over a new team, maybe small parts by the old guys.

Hey, maybe the next game will accompany a new film

by megax111

15 years, 7 months ago

Dr. Stantz;148837
My suggestion is just make another game. How about “THE REAL GHOSTBUSTERS: The Video Game”?

Don't get me wrong. I would love for the boys to voice many games. MANY… However, being realistic, Murray doesn't like to do the same thing over and over again.

If we get a third movie, plus this game, he will have done the same thing 4 times now.

So stating that one, means if that's what it takes to get another game in any fashion, by not getting the boys back (assuming if Murray doesn't do it, the others won't,) then so be it. I will take what I can get.

I do hope if any sequel is made, then Akyroyd and Ramis write it, because this game has a way better plot then movies 1 and 2 put together. However, if it weren't for those two storylines, this one wouldn't exist to tie them up. I guess I like the fact the story is tight and ties everything up well.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 7 months ago

I think one based on Flip Side switching between New York & Boo York would be bad-ass!

That WOULD be bad ass.

I additionally could like to see one about Samhainne…now THAT would be awesome

by GuyCC

15 years, 7 months ago

True, on the Louis thing, but Dana could be back, as Sigourney Weaver got interested in the game once she found out Bill Murray was in. But by that time, though, it was just too late.

by GuyCC

15 years, 7 months ago

Don't get me wrong. I would love for the boys to voice many games. MANY… However, being realistic, Murray doesn't like to do the same thing over and over again.

I dunno. I think he's lost some ground on that after not only doing Garfield, but a SEQUEL to Garfield. About as low as you can sink on sequels. GB is definitely an improvement.

by thedavetini

15 years, 7 months ago

If a $200 box set of Real Ghostbusters on dvd can sell, a $60 game of Real Ghostbusters can sell.

Lets do It

by GeoBuster

15 years, 7 months ago

4. Ghostbusters game based off of The Real Ghostbusters. Have a really good story, maybe created by the some of the show's best story writers, and just use the same engine.

Cell shaded!

by VigotheCarpathian

15 years, 7 months ago

how about any enemy that threatens both the real world and the ghost world

by FlowersStillStanding

15 years, 7 months ago

I really want a sequel game even more so than a movie. I agree for there to be side missions apart from the main story line.
Ideas for side missions:
The Ghost Town from the Real Ghostbusters episode “Gunfight at the O.K. Carroll”
Subway Level from Real Ghostbusters episode “Knock Knock”
Castle level, would be neat to bust ghost in a castle in Pennsylvania or upstate New York
A Cthulu inspired mission

At the end of the game the guys talk about you expanding the GB franchise in other cities. This I don't want. When I play Ghostbusters, I want to play with the Ghostbusters.

by OniellFord

15 years, 7 months ago

Doctor Venkman;148825
I'm just curious. I don't think this is necessarily a bad idea… but what makes you want that. So much of what made this game great was the fact that the old boys were back in character and the humor was there. With no voice actors, you'll lose the comedy aspect to Ghostbusters, which, as GuyCC said the comedy/scare ratio is something that makes this fantastic.

I agree with you, but I believe he means something like Garry's Mod. Something that allows easy access to modding the game. Garry's Mod is based off Half-Life, but doesn't need to be anything like it to work. Garry's Mod has no story and that allows for great expansion and using your imagenation.

It's a great idea that could be used. But if it doesn't make it, we could always mod the PC version and put it in the Garry's Mod? I've been trying to make a custom “mod” of sorts for Garry's Mod that was Ghostbusters-oriented. Of course, I'm no expert at modding nor am I any good with Source SDK so it's pretty make-shift.