Sum Alternate EGB figs still packaged

by stanzOrama

17 years, 5 months ago

I found in a store in Bridgeport, Ohio they had in the packaging Alternate costumes & proton packs of the EGB. There were 2 egons, eduardo's & roland. 1 kylie, slimer, 2 sam hains', and another green ghost with a bottle slime with it. Plus the purple ghost with the missle in its head. They were all priced at $6.99 each. Has anyone ever seen the alternate versions of these before? I'm sorry to not have pics, I wasn't thinking of takin the pics on my camera phone maybe next time though.

by Nix

17 years, 5 months ago

Are you talking about the Deluxe figures with sound effects? Those are uncommon, but you still might find them around. As for the ghosts, the green one is called the House Ghost and the purple one is called the Mouth Ghost.

Sigh…the EGB toyline. It had so much potential, but it didn't go anywhere. One of the best things about it was the fact that the figures were all packaged with ghost traps. That, and the Roland-as-Gary-Coleman lookalike was at least worth a smile.

by stanzOrama

17 years, 5 months ago

the deluxe one with battery powered packs? I have those ones myself. But these ones all had traps n vaccum lookin proton packs. An they were all dressed differently. Except Kylie she was wearing a blue suit and the yellow pack.

by PeterVenkmen

17 years, 5 months ago

Blue suit and yellow pack? That sounds like the basic EGB figures. I've got the Kyle I think you're talking about. Neon yellow proton pack, orange ghost trap and a slimer figure? If not, than I don't know, cause it's sounds like the basic figures. EGB didn't really have a big line, and each ghostbuster only had like 2 different ones, a basic and deluxe.

Which reminds me, Egons “pack” in the basic reminds me of a really weird looking slime blower.

by scythemantis1

17 years, 5 months ago

Full-color mini ghosts were also really cool, though Egon's was the only one I liked.

The ghost traps were actually recycled for the current Ninja Turtles toyline.

by PeterVenkmen

17 years, 5 months ago

What? Which figures? This would seem really strange, because Trendmasters did the EGB toy line, and Playmates does the Ninja Turtles. I don't see how they could recycle it, if there from different compaines.

by Nix

17 years, 5 months ago

Peter Venkmen
Which reminds me, Egons “pack” in the basic reminds me of a really weird looking slime blower.

I use Egon and Roland's packs as slime blowers (though I prefer “slime throwers”) in my Christmas displays!

This proves that great minds really DO think alike.

by stanzOrama

17 years, 5 months ago

Maybe between trendmasters and the other toys they had just decided to seel the rights to the egb traps?

I talked to the owner of the store & he told me he was bidding to get 2 of the proton packs from the show both unopen, and he showed a pic of them and they're different from each other. One looked like a shop vac, and the other looked like a slim blower/golf bag. I don't understand them. It's not the toy slime blower though cuz theres egb stickers all over it. But he told he was selling them for $25 a piece. I told him he needed a web page so you all could see it & probably buy some of them. There's also the old he-man 80's action figures and a bunch of batman/justice league stuff.

by slimerboy

17 years, 4 months ago

i would love to get a hold of the hild sized vaccum looking pack, those were proto types. i didnt think they got released.

by GozerJr

17 years, 1 month ago

What store would be selling EGB figs these days?