The sun is dying and a team of astronauts is on a mission to save earth.
Their only hope, a bomb capable of creating a new star.
But there's only one thing, they need to get the closest possible to the sun.
To survive the trip, their ship travels behind a giant shield.
They have the oxygen, the food and ressources.
They were all prepared… until they receive a distress signal from the void.
When the movie starts, you are absorbed. The special effects are great.
The atmosphere is down to earth with a script that Jules Verne would love.
I said to myself “I will buy that movie”.
The movie falls quickly into a race - and you wish that some scenes were longer - but everything is brilliantly made to not make you feel thrown to each sequences. Your emotions will create at least one tear and you'll find some scenes unfair. The movie even lets you think about what could happen in reality and it contains a good demonstration of the sun/light's power.
The actors and actresses are beautiful and human of hearth. But sometimes you wonder how some of them made it to the mission. Although you know already who will save everything, all are heros in this “chaos-on-a-rampage”.
The movie has only two major problems to my taste. It wants to be soo down to earth that it overflows; our today's conflicts about God interfer with the script. We end with a “devil incarnation” against our heros. Which is very sad when you hope to be in a distant time, where the human race survived its evolution to save the planet from a dying sun. In short, when you hope to see a movie where only natural phenomenons, technical and psychological problems would occur.
The other problem comes from, what it seems, a new fashion in the movie industry. I call that “a wink” to another movie franchise. In “Sunshine”, it's like they thought that they couldn't do a good space movie, interesting enough for the 13+, without the help of “Alien”. In the other ship, one says: “Let's take our own way; we'll be more able to be killed by an alien one after the other”. Later, one talks with the computer about the success of the mission “we're four, we're ok” “no, answer the computer, there's a fifth passenger” “Who's the fifth passenger?” “I don't know”. The first “Alien” movie was called “the height passenger”, “Who's the height passenger?” ask the man “unknown” said the computer (well, if my memory is correct). In “Sunshine”, that passenger tries to kill the crew. One of them locks himself behind a door and, what do you see first through the window? The passager's jaws.
At that point, altough the quality contained in that movie, and the fact that “the wink” was a a joke and a way to say that a human being can be worse than a alien, I lost my interest in the movie. In front of a scene where I had tears in my eyes, I was even surprised to think “that's only a movie, I have nothing to prove by showing emotions… but, of course, it's a difficult scene, I can be sad about what's going on. But, am I sad becose of the drama… or the damn fact that the movie makers decided to turn everything upside down with a wrong idea?”
I must admit, I had little critics at the beginning. I was wondering what I will write about that superb movie. I was hypnotized, it was marvellous… until that chapter. But it's a good movie and the recipe is to disturb the viewers (sadly). Graphics are great with lots of details and the script is good. It's a “must see in theater”, if you're a sciencefiction fan.