Super Fright Feature Janine weapon needed!!

by davidmeek1

15 years, 8 months ago

I am still needing a blue proton pack for one of my series one figures, I would like complete but it does not need to have the colored stream attached. (I cut them off anyway to make them more real looking, lol, didn't everybody?)

I am willing to buy or trade if there is anyone who can help me.

Here is a list of the things I have that I can trade:
a. Super Fright Peter loose - just the figure, great condition, works
b. Screaming Ray loose - just the figure, great condition, works
c. weapon for Fright Features Winston - green cup weapon, great cond.
d. weapon for Fright Features Peter - blue hook weapon, great cond.
e. ghost for 1st series Winston - orange beaked, great cond.
f. ghost for Fright Features Peter - blue joined twin ghost, great cond.
g. ghost for Fright Features Ray - red jaw ghost, great cond.
h. ghost for ecto1 or ecto1a - orange “squatting” ghost, good cond.

If anyone is interested,my ebay username is ‘davidmeek1981’. I have been on ebay for several years and have both bought and sold on there with 100 percent rating and almost 100 transactions.

Again, I am hoping someone can help me on my quest to get the weapon I mentioned above. Thanks very much!!

My email address is if you would like to email me.

-David Meek

by davidmeek1

15 years, 8 months ago

OK, update……………

I am getting the fishhook weapon, but I still need a blue proton pack for one of my series one figures. Please someone help me out. Thanks.

by IMJ

15 years, 7 months ago

I am still needing a blue proton pack for one of my series one figures, I would like complete but it does not need to have the colored stream attached. (I cut them off anyway to make them more real looking, lol, didn't everybody?)

This was hysterical! Even as a kid I was really nitpicky about my stuff, but yeah I did the same thing. The proton streams were just annoying on this toys.

Awful school of thought #1 about kids toys: Every kid wants some obnoxious feature or accessory on their action figures.