Super Hero movies

by Slimer03

21 years, 8 months ago

Ok well the title may be a little misleading but this does have to do with the ghostbusters. Have you noticed how Marvel entertainment is putting out every super hero yet sony cant afford to put out a ghostbusters movie. I know these are two different companies with two differnent budgets but still. Sony a couple of years ago said that there would be no gbIII for the same reason there would be no mibII. Well guess what they made one but they left the ghostbusters hanging. Does anyone else think this sucks???

by Tobin2027

21 years, 8 months ago

Of course I think this sucks. I want GB3 so bad. Ghostbusters deserves to be a trilogy. I am very angry GB3 isnt being made.

by venky

21 years, 8 months ago

isnt marvel using different companies for the movies though? i coulda sworn i heard that some where

but still, some of the things they're bringing back now aren't living up to the originals. i dont think T3 will come close. arnold is the only person who stuck with the franchise, none of the other actors nor james cameron came back, when all did for T2.
and we all know mibII was horrible and shouldnt have been made, but would we have said the same thing about gb3 if it was made instead. hell, i'd still see it no matter what. thats my piece

by AgentD

21 years, 8 months ago

Marvel Studios isn't a production company so they don't have to worry about a budget. And yes, Marvel is letting different studios do different characters. For example, Fox has X-Men and Daredevil. Sony has Spider-Man and Ghost Rider. Universal has the Hulk.