SyFy...are you F***ing kidding me?

by Dr.D

15 years, 11 months ago

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 11 months ago


I guess they suddenly realized they really weren't a Sci-Fi channel anymore so they decided to change their name to something that you couldn't visually associate with science fiction.


Looks like my Sci Fi state of Affairs post ( was made earlier is coming truier and truier

by Kingpin

15 years, 11 months ago

Wow… that's just awful.

I am honestly saddened to see SciFi go this way… a great shame to see a channel devoted to broadcasting the science fiction genre becoming mediocre and boring.

And that logo is pretty derivative and uninspired, unlike their old “planet” logo.

by Mat.

15 years, 11 months ago

Syence Fyction at it's best.

by OniellFord

15 years, 11 months ago

The moment I read the news, I vowed never to watch the “Sci-Fi” channel again. After all that they have done, they are deciding to slam the shows that made them famous. It's just revolting.

I feel so bad. I mean, it's THEIR fault that the channel has decayed into a piece of crap! If they had kept all of those cheesey, TV-movies & Reality shows off of it and not cancel some of the greatest Science Fiction shows, then they'd probably have had more viewers!

I am just saddend to see one of my favorite channels go away.

by slimer3881

15 years, 11 months ago

eh, Sci-Fi has been going down hill, even since they stopped showing re-runs of Crypt, Amazing Stories, Lost in Space, Darkside, and Hulk, very surprised they never even aired Greatest American Hero, Quatem Leap ( i think they did? ) or even the 60s Batman. They just put in a bunch of Trek and Galactica episodes as replacements, save for a couple decent ‘reality’ shows like Ghost Hunters and Scare Tactics, and that old Short Film show, they used to play. Most of their original stuff is boring. dont get me started on their awful movies that they syndicate, they used to actually play good movies, now they just pick movies you can find in a dollar bin.

by Dr.D

15 years, 11 months ago

It's the new head of the channel, Bonnie something. She hates Science Fiction.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 11 months ago

The current network president of the Sci Fi Channel is Dave Howe


Whom you are thinking of is Bonnie Hammer…the previous president that stepped down before David Howe was appointed the position

by PirateQueen

15 years, 11 months ago

“Broaden the appeal?”

By spelling it incorrectly? What, the nerds not bringing in enough ratings?

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 11 months ago

WWECW on SyFy? No, I'm just not feeling it, and I will not be changing the name of the station in my TEW database thank you very much.