synchronus styles, methods on building?

by ziggyspengler

23 years, 1 month ago

I have a completed pack but i just dont like the way my sync. looks. I made the core out of that foam instilation and then plated it with styrene. You can see an annoying seam around the edges. Where do you guys get those completely sealed off smooth curve edges along it. What is the best way to make it. I cannot vacuum mold it. or can I? How do you get those perfect edges on the sync?

thanks alot.
“is the atomic weight of cobalt 58.9?”

by Ectoman

23 years, 1 month ago

“sync” ?

by ecto-3

23 years, 1 month ago

I built my spacer or “sync” wink out of wood, of course most of my pack, besides most of kens parts is wood. I measured and cut out two oak boards, set them aside, and patiently cut thin clits in “Glue-On” board which is an old version of drywall. The glue on board wrapped around the two pieces of oak, glue, nail, and its finished. Of course its a lot harder then it seems in text, I should know, We've already been through 3 spacers.