Tahiti "Real Ghostbusters" CD....

by bradley27

14 years ago

Does anyone have a 320 Bitrate CD version to email or send via upload of the 80s Retro Duo “Tahiti”??

by PeterVenkmen

14 years ago


This one is 128kbps. Quality is fine.

by bradley27

14 years ago

Cheers, i had this already, was just wondering if there was a cleaner version, remastered you know………….

Also is there a soundtrack with the BGM of the animated show, some great little tunes!

by Kingpin

14 years ago

there was a cleaner version, remastered you know………….

The only clearer or “remastered” a copy you'll be able to find is either a fan project, or if you decided to tackle it yourself.

There isn't currently a release of the score music from a show, some fans, including yours truely have been working to rip the background music from the DVDs, but it's a slow process, and a lot of delays crop up.