tennage oscor a ghostbuster?

by Mr_Stay_Puft

22 years, 6 months ago

how possible would it be if a teenage oscor becomes a gb in training? it is possible, ur veiws…..

by mrpecker1

22 years, 6 months ago

Its possible I guess. I would like that alot better than bringing Dana back to be the victim of the ghost thats trying to end the world. Its already happened twice…dont want to see the same thing again. I wouldnt really care if they just completely left Dana out of the movie….they need a new plot…not recycle the first one like they did with gb2…

by spangler13

22 years, 6 months ago

What about Tully's kid, remeber the Secratary wanted a kid. him and Oscar would be about 15 now.

by LordVego

22 years, 6 months ago

didnt a post almost exactly like this happen not too long ago?

by Ecto1A

22 years, 6 months ago

God, that would be a lame plot device.


by Ghostbuster_D

22 years, 6 months ago

Oscar wouldn't be 15 now, more like 13. Also, if GB3 did have Oscar as a GB, you could bet that Dana will be the victim again.

by Biggsexi

22 years, 5 months ago

Has anyone else here read M.Scott's GB3 and 4 script? if not, you need to.. he has Oscer about that age, and those scripts are great, I'd have to say. I'll try to find the address and post it again.

by Biggsexi

22 years, 5 months ago

ok, found it.. you guys should really read these if you're wondering how that plotline would work.. it sure as hell did to me.
Ghostbusters III
Ghostbusters IV

please e-mail him your thoughts, I've been trying to get him to do another one for a while now.. he doesn't think the fans really want another one..a part V

by StayinPuft

22 years, 5 months ago

I could see if Oscar had some Venkman blood in him, and Louis and Janine are just the support workers…….Um however what I think would be a more plausable GB3 would involve a new franchise, not new recruits but new franchise owners and Ramis, Aykroyd and Hudson (possible Murray, depends) would have large roles as maybe the pompous, arrogant, experienced, but older Gbs who get in over their heads in a new adventure and they can all work together and pass on the torch, and you could make that the originals had to sell the rights to make a little extra dough (not like the situation in GB2 were there is no business and they are broke, say that maybe as the equipement ages and stuff starts to need repair they need something on the side, plus their original intentions in GB1 was to make money off franchising), it has endless possiblities…… This of course would revolve more heavily on Aykroyds original script where there would be competition between several different “exterminators”, but hell they could keep it at just one new one, and you know sometimes the original Gbs get to a job first or the new ones do and there is some tension amoungst the two… Oh and it would be neat to have like the original Ecto (as in model of car not neccessarily the Ecto we saw in either movie) and like some new design that the new (new as in different not new as in well new ie no PT cruisers!) Gbs drive and they could be seen together… One last thing, the new GBs don't neccessarily have to be jerks like Jack Black or Carson Daly or some crap like that… Everything else would remain in the normal GB fashion, no chick GBs, no Spanish GBs and no handicapped GBs (I'm looking in your direction EGB)..OMG I can't believe that came out of my mouth… And to think I am against anything involving new GBs…. Keep the old guys or don't make a third, was what I meant!

by Sinister

22 years, 5 months ago

hey Stayinpuft, read M.Scotts GB3 script it is ace, it has a perfect combination of new and old Gbs, a great plot, and great jokes.

I must say I was glued to the script like a book! Having said that compliments aside, I didn't like his GB4 script, I think the idea of a film being made about the GBs called Ghost Crashers is a bad idea, and having Sam Hain as a main enemy is also bad.